DH Project Aspects

When creating a website, it is key that one is able to have the site efficient with as little effort as possible. A few aspects that help achieve this are as follows:

-Organization of the site’s information will allow for easier perusing of the site.

-Visually pleasing to the eye, so one does not become bored or turned away.

-Clarity of information. Otherwise the user will not be able to understand what is being told or what any of the visualizations are.

-Multiple resources will allow for a more diverse abundance of information. All of these sources must be cited though.

-Accessibility. Without accessibility, there would not be any point in the site because no one would be able to find the site easily.

For a relatively decent DH project, easy navigation is necessary. Should one not be able to navigate about the site, then there is almost no use to the site. Organization and accessibility are a few aspects that allow for a site to be easily navigated. All of the main links or tabs should be located in an efficient spot, such as the very to of the page or on either side of the site.

DH allows for scholars to be able to quickly gain information and data, whether it is for statistics on something, or just as simple as information or a document recorded on that website. With quick to access information, scholars can come to certain conclusions, or lack there of, thus having more specific question to ask.

Digital Humanities

What would make a Digital Humanities project “good”? We have used many different digital tools during our time as a class but I’m sure we would agree that some of them were easier to use than others. Here are a few project elements that would make an ideal digital tool.


-simplicity & organization


-clear illustration

-accurate data

These are a few things I think that are needed to have a good DH project. I think it is important to be able to access these projects with little or no difficulty. Some DH projects I have accessed required me to have some sort of username and I think this is more of a hindrance to the user instead of a benefit. Simplicity is key to a good Digital Humanities project. An example of a simple but good DH project would be the archive “Nineteenth-Century Disability: Cultures & Contexts”. The information provided is easy to locate because the website is well organized and there isn’t unnecessary clutter filling up the screen space.

Navigation is key to a good DH project. I’ll use the same example as before.

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 7.04.26 PM

These tabs are the only way to navigate this database but there is also a search bar which allows you to search for something specific in the database.

With Projects like Voyant and Worldle which uses illustrations such as word clouds need to be able to present their information clearly so the data could be interpreted correctly. The last but not least element that would make a good project is the data accuracy. The data presented in these projects have to be 100% accurate or else the project itself would be useless.

Digital Humanities allows scholars to ask questions about a subject that they normally would’t be able to because of the time constraint, but by doing the research with the use databases and their search options it is easy to find specific or broad information quickly.

Good Qualities in Digital Humanities Projects

Five qualities to have in a Digital Humanities project are

1- clarity (your readers must always be able to understand what they are researching or learning about)

2- a large quantity of archival data (you must be able to actually find what you are looking for, pertaining to the topic your archive should be supplying info on)

3- photos (many people are visual learners)

4- a key (explaining an array of tools can sometimes be complicated, so a key is an easy navigation and interpretation source.)

5- cited sources (You MUST have reliable sources to back up ALL of your information)

A good DH project is one that is detailed enough to fulfill any questions, but simple enough for the observer to understand. When using digital tools to learn more about a topic, a bevy of archives can be at your fingertips to use to find information. In a good DH project, information is readily available and easy to supply sources for. Another important aspect of a DH project is the citation of sources. One must easily be able to cite where they found specific information for their project. If said DH project is  a group project, the group members must work together like the wheels and cogs of a clock.

Because digital humanities helps to broaden the spectrum of research people use, there are open gates for new questions to be asked. In scouring an archive or a map, it is easy to ask many questions about reasons behind occurrences when you have an entire archive to look to.

Qualities of an effective DH project

A Digital Humanities project must be, above all else, holistic. It must encompass all elements of a topic that are available to be documented. The ease of access to said information that the internet provides is unprecedented in human history, and that means there is no excuse to use every bit of proof possible to prove any hypothesis, or any imagery to create any scene. That said, there are a few essential elements which must go into a DH project so as to reach this lofty goal.

A bevy of archival data: Simply, at the most basic level, there must be information present to establish the idea being proposed. Some type of base record must be present; for example, if one were to document crime in London during the 19th century, the first stop would be the Old Bailey archives, where thousands of such examples may be found. These bits allow the project maker to contextualize and form the skeleton of the project.

Geographic information: Maps are good. If it’s a cultural project trying to demonstrate influences on Shakespeare’s writing, then showing migration, population density, and plague victim maps during his lifespan can be vital to showing points of influence. Of course, this is absolutely non-negotiable for map-based projects, but GIS data can greatly enhance even the most elaborately assembled of projects.

Organized displays: A good DH project must have information presented in a human fashion: infographics and well designed presentations are solid choices, but hastily assembled slideshows and narrated videos are far too limited to actually depict anything. Augmented reality and GIS map overlays are cutting edge and, if someone has the capacity to utilize them, they should consider it.

Supporting sources: If any non-primary source articles exist about your topic, it doesn’t hurt to lump them in. While primary source is key, having someone accredited backing up your project (having come to the same conclusion, or, at the least, a supporting one), never hurts.

Relevancy: All data and referenced sources must be relevant to the topic. Shoving information in people’s faces is not informing them, it’s overwhelming them.

Blog Post

A list of 5 qualities of a good DH Project.

1. Easy to read/use

2. Interactive and Informative

3. All sources cited

4. Should be able to be used as an academic source

5. Should have a search bar

A good DH project should at first be visually striking to capture the readers attention, then have the information to back it up to make it a scholarly project. The project should have a clear outline or or statement as to what it is trying to achieve. It doesn’t have to be, but it makes it more interesting if the project is interactive because it gives you a more “hands on” approach when learning about the topics.

The project should be set up clearly so you can see where all the information is. A good project should not be cluttered and illegible. Using colors is a good way to grab the readers attention but when you have colors contrasting it makes it hard to read and makes it look unprofessional.

DH allows scholars to ask new question because it allows them to look at much older works (such as Sherlock Holmes stories) and question why characters did certain things or why the story went in a certain direction. It allows them to take data from that time period and correlate it between the story and actual events that happened in that area or around that time period. It also allows them to look at data and make observations and inferences about them and to also preserve information in a more updated form. New tools come out every year that allow scholars to look deeper into texts and map and give us a better understanding of the time period. It is a great way to analyze older works in a more modern format and always keep you questioning anything you’re working on.

What Makes a Good DH Project?

Samantha Harris


1. Easy to navigate

2.  Pleasing to the eye

3. a decent amount of data about a topic

4. Organized

5. Great accessibility of research

What makes a good DH project?

A good DH project is a combination of the five qualities listed above.  It is important to have these five qualities because without one of these qualities, it can truly effect the outcome of the DH project.  For example: If it is not easy to navigate, who is going to want to spend extra time looking for information? To make a good  DH project, it is important to know the key factors that contribute to making the DH project useful.  It is important that in order for the DH project to be good, it allows people to ask questions in a different way.  This can be done either through readings, graphs, or even just analyzation of data.     

How does DH let scholars ask new questions?

Aside from a DH project being good, there needs to be substance underneath it all.  Like I said in the above question, a part of making a DH project “good” is the ability for scholars, and people in general to ask questions in different ways.  Sometimes, people are not able to analyze data by reading, but rather through visualizations.  With that being said, DH projects can either be used through graphs, and word clouds, creating more of a visual look at the data.   With more variety of ways to ask questions, it creates an open road for many more questions that can lead to further analysis. 

DIgital Humanities projects

Write a  list of 5 qualities of a good DH project. Then, answer the following two questions: What makes a good DH project? How does DH let scholars ask new questions?

1.) Easy to read or use

2.) Cites all data and pages

3.) Correlates data coherently

4.) Visually pleasing

5.) Search options

What makes a good DH project is finding a subject and figuring out how to use the technologies available to further the study of that field, whether it be through mapping or other forms of digital projects. After you pick your topic it helps to have an easy to use, navigable, visually pleasing end product with good color choice and lots of data that is diverse yet still connected. The user  should not have to struggle to find things or follow the stream of consciousness of the work or project.

DH allows use to ask new questions by presenting new ways of observing, preserving and presenting data that allows new angles to be taken which allows for new perspectives on age old questions.Through digital tools and other forms of digital information questions like what data is important and needs to be preserved and is all data worthy of being preserved arise and are at the forefront of this new digital movement in this field.

What makes a GOOD DH Project?

Five qualities of a good DH project (in no particular order): 

  1. Aesthetically pleasing
  2. Lots and lots of data
  3. Accessible/Interactive
  4. Concise Information (including where the Information was found!)
  5. Scholarly purpose

What makes a good DH project?

A good DH project is somewhat hard to give a clear definition to, but overall it blends the five qualities mentioned above. Any good DH project is nice to look at; if a project is too cluttered, illegible, and generally not pleasing to the eye, the individual looking at it is sure to get frustrated and/or lose interest, no matter how much information is being presented or how useful it is. Staying on the topic of information, or the data collected for the project, there needs to be a lot of it. Using little to no information will make your project seem sophomoric and gives less room for interpretation of the data both by yourself and the individual who is viewing your project. However, having a lot of data means next to nothing if it is not concise and scholarly, and is able to easily be interpreted. You must also include where your data and information was found, in order to give the project legitimacy and credibility.

In addition to the information and data that goes into the project, the project itself must be easy to use and interactive. A project that is confusing and hard to understand will be a major turn-off to anyone who is trying to view it. There should be search features or other tools that allow individuals to find information easily. The project should also find ways to be interactive, in order for the individual to be really hands on with the information they are researching and learning about through your project.

Overall, all these elements must combine to form a project that has a scholarly purpose. Any good DH project should be created in order to present new information to an individual in various ways and in the context of various fields of study. If the project is not scholarly, it serves little purpose.

How does DH let scholars ask new questions?

Digital Humanities allows scholars to ask more questions than ever before. This ever-evolving discipline brings a variety of new ways to present information the forefront, which is vital in our rapidly changing, technological world. With Digital Humanities, scholars are able to look at, interpret, and analyze information in a variety of ways, from GIS to digital archives to topic modeling This allows scholars to see information in the context of many disciplines, rather than just one. With this new method of research, scholars are able to raise ideas, questions, and discussions that may have not been possible before. Working in the Digital Humanities discipline can also help scholars raise new questions about the tools they are using to do this new research, and can help them ask questions about how the tools work and they ways they become more efficient in order to meet the needs of a variety of individuals in a variety of different fields of study,

What Makes a Good DH Project?

Qualities of a Good DH Project: Large Data Set, Citations, Aesthetically Pleasing, Interactive, Search Feature

The new wave of scholarly work that is known as the ‘Digital Humanities’ is all about data (and lots of it). When the humanities and technology converge to create new research and discoveries, large amounts of information are compiled in order to do so. New questions cannot be asked without analyzing as much information as possible, so as to ensure a secure basis for those new inquiries. Living in the digital space, a Digital Humanities project is worth exploring if it has some key qualities.

A great DH project has a large data set that it pulls from, references, analyzes, reflects, or even contradicts. The more data there is in a project, the more expansive and the greater the opportunity to analyze findings, identify trends, and pose new questions. With that in mind, with large data comes large responsibility …to be scholarly. Incorporating lots of data is a wonderful first step, but citations are the important second step. The credibility of a project determines whether it is considered scholarly, and the best DH projects not only reveal new data, but also openly share the original data that the project pulls from.

The advent of digitizing works of the humanities creates a new question of ‘what will the digitized project look like?’ No matter what the project, a good DH work should be aesthetically pleasing. This does not mean that it needs to be reminiscent of the Romantic era, but it does need to look clear, rather than cluttered or illegible. At a glance an aesthetically pleasing project will look like it relates to the data that it is based upon. For example, a good mapping project or Ngram will be legible and clear, and a good topic modeling or word cloud project will at a glance be somewhat representative of the publications it is pulling from.

Aesthetics of a project are important for the analysis and exploration of them but looks aren’t everything. A good DH project is interactive. Depending on the type of project, this can be interpreted in several ways. In a word cloud visualization, the ability to hover over or click on words to learn about their frequency and other information is one form of interactivity. On a map, this could just mean the ability to zoom in and out, or it could mean having the ability to plot data points on a map or compare a map form the past to a map from the present. No matter what the form of engagement, a good DH project will take advantage of the endless possibilities that the digital space allows.

Related to project interactivity, a great DH project has some kind of search feature. The ability to not only explore the information in front of you in a project, but to also quickly explore related texts, visuals, maps, and more is what makes the digital space unique. Digitized projects that live online allow web surfers to have a world of information at their fingertips. On a map, searching could just mean plotting data on a map or it could mean searching for a specific street in a city. In a topic modeling project it could mean looking up metadata regarding a specific word across a corpus of texts. No matter what the search function, its addition to a project allows for that immediate exploration, analysis, and creation of questions.

The field of Digital Humanities has a modern goal made possible by the World Wide Web – to engage a broader network of scholars in the pursuit of knowledge of the humanities. Pulling discoveries from the modernization of dated texts, works, and arts, this field allows scholars to ask new questions because of the ability to share content online across oceans and continents. The “Digital” in Digital Humanities provides both an increase in accessibility and a modern approach to works of the humanities. Greater access means greater possibility of discovery and taking a modern look at older works creates for a new lens through which scholars can evaluate the past. Increased accessibility of old and new works, a broad network of scholars, and the use of digital tools all allow scholars to ask new questions through collaboration, detailed analysis, and modern technology.

What makes a good DH project?

A good Digital Humanities project includes five things;

  • Well done, thorough research.
  • Ascetically Pleasing presentation
  • Good formatting
  • Clear Information
  • Searchable options

What makes a good DH project?

A good digital humanities project is ascetically pleasing, meaning it is nice to look at, but also that the information is clearly shown. It should have enough information, cited correctly, that shows that it is fully researched. The format of the project should be clear and concise, and searchable to find exact details.

How does DH allow scholars to ask new questions?

Digital Humanities allows students as well as scholars to observe information in new ways. DH can provide different ways to see the same information. Through the digital outlet, you might see links you aren’t aware of by looking at a group of books, or information on paper. Digital Humanities, through programs like mallet, can distant read large amounts of information.