Topic Modeling Blog Post

The Topic Modeling tool is a very interesting tool to use. I happened to like the topics i saw when using the standard class setting’s of Number of words and Iterations. After posting that blog I went back and played around with the tool a little bit to see what it was like. My first run through with 50 Topics, 1000 iterations, and 20 topic words printing. This all took a total of 47.15 seconds to finish. I then proceeded to add more topics to 100, iterations to 2500, and 50 topic words printing. This ended in a total of 129.123 seconds. It was kind of a reasonable and expected time but I was trying to figure out which setting takes the longer time to load. As in which setting slows the system down. After a number of tests I still was unsuccessful in figuring this out. The whole point in the Topic Modeling tool is to be able to find a specific number of Topics in a well amount of documents. I decided to choose the first 10 because they interested me. At first it was a bit difficult for me to make up some titles but once I did one or two of them it became much easier. It was very unproductive when i kept in the stop words. When I kept these in nothing really significant came up. It was a bunch of nonsense words and not enough topic words. This made it impossible to make up a title that correlates all the topics into one. That was what I got from the Topic Modeling Tool.