Google Ngram

I chose to do my topic of Google Ngram on science. Since science is a huge interest for me, I felt that this would be a perfect topic. My two words I chose was “God” and “evolution.” These two words are actually totally opposite, but they do relate to each other. They’re opposite in the way that evolution completely goes against the teaching of God. In the bible, it states that God created everything, including humans. In the theory of evolution, it states that humans evolved from apes, which is the polar opposite of God creating humans. Darwin published his book on evolution, On the Origin of Species, in 1859. Before this book, no one even thought to question the bible or the ways of God. Most people believed in Adam and Eve and God being the creator of everything because of how big of a role the church played in eighteenth century society. Even right after Darwin published his book, many people still weren’t convinced that there were any other theories of human creation aside from God. But, towards the end of the eighteenth century, people started to question the Bible and even started wondering if Darwin was right. You can see this in the Ngram pictures I have below. There’s an extreme spike of the word evolution in books from 1870 to 1900. The word ‘God’ is pretty gradual through out the entire 18th century, but around 1894, the line for evolution is actually higher than the line for God, proving that people started to change their minds and their way of thinking. Also, the line for God had a pretty dramatic drop from 1895 to 1900. I was curious as to how much this line would continue to drop, so I changed the year from 1900 to 2000. This results were actually quite shocking. ‘God’ started dropping more gradually and ‘evolution’ was increasing with every passing year. Towards the end of the 19th century, evolution is actually a lot higher than God. I find it interesting that it took so long for people to start changing their opinions on God and science. Now, I feel that more people believe in evolution than they do in Adam and Eve, which is completely opposite of how it was  in the 18th century.


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