Assignment #3: Book Traces

It saddens me to say this because I was really excited for assignment, but for some strange reason, I could not find any eighteenth or nineteenth century books with marginalia in them. I spent three whole hours in the library and went up and down countless isles. I looked in probably over 40 books and I could not find anything. I found some interesting things such as THIS blue and red ink fingerprints, used tissues folded in the pages, and I found a lot of underlining, but I unfortunately could not find anything with good marginalia. I really do not know why I couldn’t find any. My friend that was in the same isle as me found a book with marginalia in it. I browsed all the books I passed by to look for the characteristics that would make them an eighteenth or nineteenth century book. I looked at the bindings, the spine of the book, the design, the type of paper, the covers and the layouts of the covers, etc. I opened all the books that looked like they were older and flipped through the pages, but all I found was underlining, highlighting, and occasional scribbles. I actually did find marginalia in one book, but the modern writing style proved it not to be from the eighteenth or nineteenth century. The one book I found interesting with the red and blue ink finger prints in it was called In the Favor of the Sensitive Man, and Other Essays. It had a couple of other underlining’s, but the person who did that never actually wrote words, so I am not positive if it was even in the eighteenth or nineteenth century. I hope to one day, in the near future, go back to the library and continue my search for eighteenth and nineteenth century marginalia.