How to create a successful Digital Humanities Project

My ideas of what creates a well done digital humanities project, it should include:

1. It should be easy to use which makes the project more desirable to that project over others.
2. It needs to be visually appealing with a well-constructed layout so the information is easily seen.
3. The project should be focused on a theme makes it more relevant for readers interested in that topic.
4. The data needs to be cited correctly, data that is from academically or scholarly sources is preferred.
5. The project should be searchable, when there are different collections of data in one area.


1. What makes a good DH project?
A good digital humanities project is almost all of the things I stated above but can include much more. For instance, interactive DH projects make it easier for an individual to obtain more from the project with a sort of fun learning experience. Also, along with being cited correctly, a project should have an “about page,” so the people visiting these projects knows what exactly is trying to be shown through the collection of data. That data needs to be clear and focused for it to be a usable and good DH project otherwise the project will be pretty irrelevant to researchers and individuals interested in these themes. You want to make sure your DH project has a well done concept along with these other guidelines unless you want it to be an example of what not to do for a DH project.

2. How does DH let scholars ask new questions?
Digital Humanities is a newer concept that has been growing over the past few years. It is creating newer ideas and tools to help the fast paced age of technology. It has given the ability to digitize books and give us new tools and resources. This newer way of thinking lets scholars ask new questions in itself to come up with new tools that can help groups become better with literature, knowledge, and technology. For example, it helps scholars ask questions by putting together new ideas on themes that others would maybe have not paired together. Certain Digital Humanities tools lets you combine topics to see the data that comes up behind it such ask the project we did on topic modeling. You can search through many different themes that you maybe did not think they would have anything to do with each other through out novels in history.