1997/1998 New York Yankees

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Members of the 1997/1998 New York Yankees
Members of the 1997/1998 New York Yankees
Hometowns of the 1997/1998 Yankees
Hometowns of the 1997/1998 Yankees
Batting Averages: 1997 vs. 1998
Batting Averages: 1997 vs. 1998
Pie Chart: % of Right-Handed, Left-Handed, and Switch Hitters
Pie Chart: % of Right-Handed, Left-Handed, and Switch Hitters
Pie Chart: Player Contribution to Total BA (1997)
Pie Chart: Player Contribution to Total BA (1997)
Pie Chart: Player Contribution to Total BA (1998)
Pie Chart: Player Contribution to Total BA (1998)
Groupings of Right-Handed, Left-Handed, and Switch Hitters.
Groupings of Right-Handed, Left-Handed, and Switch Hitters