The Adventure of the Speckled Band

Wordled: "The Adventure of the Speckled Band"
“The Adventure of the Speckled Band”

If the purpose of these text visualizations is to show frequently used words in the story and what they means , then some themes of “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” can be extracted without even reading the text. Some of the large text nouns include “room”, “bed”, “sister”, “time”, “light”, “night”, “window”, and “death”. The most frequently used verbs include “see”, “heard”, “know”, “died”, “thought”. What can a reader glean from this frequency? Major characters may be sisters. The adventure or mystery took place at night. One could speculate that “light” and “window” might be related – that the investigator discussed these details at length. Somebody certainly must have died, perhaps in a bedroom, and maybe time was running out, putting someone in danger. All these observations and speculations are true because I read the story, of course. But it goes to show that these visualizations can help a student look back at the text and recall the most prominent themes that could inform an analysis.