dom 2/19/2019 colonial response

When thinking of the term colonial, I tend to think of negative terms such as “colonizer” in which case I interpret the word as strictly antagonistic in nature. Colonial to me means a time before logic and reason were applied to the process of decision making when it involved the livelihood of others. The term colonial is often used to refer to the “beginning” years of America when white people introduced themselves to the continent. I feel like people use the term colonial simply to refer to a specific moment in American history, but more often than not I’ve come to notice that some tend to neglect the fact that other countries too have been colonized much in the same way as the Americas. Decolonial to me means the restructuring of thought and understanding of life and ones existence as it has been impacted by a colonized lens. Undoing the damage done to oneself in regard to how one might exist in their space and how they may in turn think about the roles they play whilst inhabiting that space are what I would consider to be in line with the term decolonial. I have only just recently begun to hear the term anticolonial so this term is still foreign to me. However, I would interpret it to be in reference to practices and actions that explicitly go against and seek to counter the institutions that colonialism seeks to impose upon bodies. I feel that one would use the term anticolonial to refer to a mindset followed by a reconfiguration of how one views the world apart from what they have already learned about the world from a colonized perspective. Postcolonial resembles the term postracial, so I would understand this term to be in reference to the point in time where society is able to accept the differences of others and reconfigure society by eliminating pre-existing conventions that influenced everyone upon unfortunate introduction to colonizers.

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