Unit 1: Intro to Victorian London
Week 1:
Aug. 24: Introduction
Aug. 26: Victorian Literature
Bruce Robinson: “London: A Modern Babylon”
London Map
Write an introductory post on the class blog (including your name, major, year, something you learned about Victorian London). Comment on to two other blog posts. Due by 5pm.
Aug. 27: Victorian London
“Victorian London 1888”
“Dickens’ London in Pictures”
Explore Lee Jackson’s “The Victorian Dictionary” (http://www.victorianlondon.org/index-2012.htm), choose one entry, and write a blog post about what you’ve learned about the Victorian era. Comment on two other blog posts. Due by noon.
Optional: Play “The Victorian Period” online game
Week 2: Introduction to London Literature
Aug. 31: London Impressions
William Blake: “London” (click “all” and compare versions)
Amy Levy: “London in July,” “A March Day in London”
Richard Le Gallienne: “Ballad of London”
Make an Annotation Studio account, and make two annotations for each text. Make sure your annotation responds to the annotations your classmates have written. Due by noon.
Sept. 3: Victorian Digital Archives
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey
Locating London’s Past
Charles Booth Archive
London Buildings and Monuments illustrated in the Victorian Web
Week 3: Transportation
Sept. 7: No class (Labor Day Break)
Sept. 10: Short Stories about transportation
Evelyn Sharp: “In Dull Brown”
George Egerton: “A Lost Masterpiece: A City Mood Aug ‘93”
GW Joy: “The Bayswater Omnibus”
Online Assignment 4: Location Research.
Choose one spot mentioned in one of the stories. Do a search for your street on Victorian Google Maps (https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=zs2aHyi7W8Ek.kggHTef2F49I&hl=en) and then zoom in and take a screenshot. Then use a combination of the following sites to learn about the area you have chosen: “Historical Eye” (http://www.historicaleye.com/thenandnow1.html), the “Old Bailey Online” (http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/static/London-life19th.jsp),“Charles Booth Online Archive” (http://goo.gl/JgRmhL), “Locating London” (http://www.locatinglondon.org/), “Mapping Emotions in Victorian London” (https://t.co/OtvvyzN4K7), and “British Histories” (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/). Write a blog post about what you’ve learned about the area (include 3-4 specific details about it) and its importance to the short story. Include screenshots. Due by noon.
Week 4: Transportation and London Districts
Sept. 14: Poetry about transportation
Amy Levy: Ballade of an Omnibus
Aubrey Beardsley: “A Ride in a Omnibus” http://www.cypherpress.com/beardsley/juvenilia/omnibus.asp
Sept. 17: East London vs. West London
Edith Nesbit: “Inasmuch as ye did it not”
Matthew Arnold: “East London,” “West London”
Unit 2: Districts of Victorian London
Week 5: West London
Sept. 21: British Museum
Laurence Binyon: “In the British Museum” https://archive.org/stream/londonvisions00binygoog#page/n82/mode/2up
Amy Levy: “To Lallie (at the British Museum)”
Sept. 24: (No Class)
Matthew Arnold: “Kensington Gardens”
John Davidson: “Two Songs: I—London”
Sketches by Boz: “Seven Dials”
Online Assignment 5: Annotations
Make two annotations for each text. Make sure your annotations respond to the annotations your classmates have written. Due by 2pm.
Week 6: West End Art and East London
Sept. 28: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB) Literature
D. G. Rossetti: “Blessed Damozel” (both poem and painting)
“Blessed Damozel” in context
Optional additional reading
Oct. 1: East London
Arthur Morrison: “A Street”
http://www.gutenberg.org/files/40569/40569-h/40569-h.htm (p. 15-26)
Jack London: The People of the Abyss (Chapter 1)
Israel Zangwill: “Proem” from Children of the Ghetto: Being Pictures of a Peculiar People
Week 7: Prostitution and City of London
Oct. 5: Prostitution
Flora Tristan: from London Journal
Thomas Hood: “Bridge of Sighs”
Amy Levy: “Magdalen”
D. G. Rossetti: “Found” (painting and poem)
Oct. 8: St. Paul’s Cathedral and Fleet Street
Oscar Wilde: “Impression du Matin”
Laurence Binyon: “Golden Gallery at St. Paul’s” https://archive.org/stream/londonvisions00binygoog#page/n26/mode/2up
John Davidson: “New Years Day” from Fleet Street Eclogues http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t5k93r412;view=1up;seq=15
Map of Fleet Street
Unit 3: Mapping Victorian London
Week 8: Sherlock Holmes
Oct. 12: Fall Break (No Class)
October 13: Paper 1 Due (email) by 8pm
Oct. 15: Arthur Conan Doyle
“Scandal in Bohemia”
“Man With the Twisted Lip”
Week 9: Sherlock Holmes, Mapped
Oct. 19: Discussion of blog posts
Online Assignment 6: Location Research
Using the websites from online assignment 4, research a location that appears in one of the two Holmes stories and write a blog post that explains the significance of the location and analyzes its importance in the story. Due by noon.
Oct. 22: Mapping with Google Maps and Mapbox
1. Using the Holmes location from Monday’s assignment, submit the longitude, latitude, location name, and description of what happens at that location (including the page number of the relevant passage of the story) to a Google spreadsheet. Due by noon.
2. Completed map due Oct. 25 by 5pm (we will go over making maps in class on Thursday.)
Week 10: The Romance of a Shop
Oct. 26: The Romance of a Shop, Chapters 1-4
Online Assignment 8: Location Research
Using the websites from online assignment 4, research a location that appears in Romance of a Shop (choose location from the list distributed in class) and write a blog post that explains the significance of the location and analyzes its importance in the novel. See assignment sheet for details.
NOTE: Each student will do a blog post for EITHER The Romance of a Shop OR The Picture of Dorian Gray. The blog post is due on the day the story appears in the reading by noon (Romance: 10/26, 10/29, 11/2, or 11/5; Dorian Gray: 11/26, 11/19, 11/30, or 12/3).
Oct. 29: The Romance of a Shop, Chapters 5-9
Week 11: The Romance of a Shop Continued
Nov. 2: The Romance of a Shop, Chapters 10-14
Nov. 5: The Romance of a Shop, Chapters 15-Epilogue
Week 12: Omeka Archives and Queer Literature
Nov. 9: Using Omeka
Julie Meloni: “A Brief Introduction to Omeka”
Victorian Queer Archive
Nov. 12: Discussion of Queer Literature
Week 13: The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891 edition)
Nov. 16: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapters 1-5
Nov. 19: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapters 6-10
Week 14:
Nov. 23-26: No Class (Thanksgiving)
Week 15: The Picture of Dorian Gray Continued
Nov. 30: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapters 11-15
Dec. 3: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapters 16-20
Week 16: Final Projects
Dec. 7: Building final projects
Final Projects
Dec. 17: 12:30-2:30
Discussion of maps and locations for The Romance of a Shop and The Picture of Dorian Gray