Course Information:
ENG 493
Fall 2015
4 Credits
MR, 2-3:15
Location: LC110
Professor Annie Swafford
Office Hours: MTWR, 11:00-12:00, JFT 706
Office Phone: (845) 257-2742
Twitter: @annieswafford
ENG 493
Fall 2015
4 Credits
MR, 2-3:15
Location: LC110
Professor Annie Swafford
Office Hours: MTWR, 11:00-12:00, JFT 706
Office Phone: (845) 257-2742
Twitter: @annieswafford
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Excellent course, I am sure all students excited to learn it and would have a great leaning experience. The great thing is through this blog even non-students could also learn. I am sure after learn this course, we will have different feel of experience when visiting every place in London. Because we are not just enjoy the looks but also the great history within. I love this course so much