Praed Street Station (Paddington Station) is a metro station located in the City of Westminster. It is a relevant location in a number of ways. It is a railroad station, and stations were a point of departure. This could be representing the point, in the narrative, where Gertrude, Lucy, and Phillis are all departing from their previous ways of life, never to return. Lucy, at this point, believes that Frank is dead, and she has gone to Cornwall to visit his parents. She has come to accept that Frank has died, and is seeking closure to the situation. Gertrude has dropped Lucy off at the Station, and returns to the apartment to find two things: Phillis’ note, and Lord Watergate. These two set off a chain reaction that send Gertrude down a certain path. Lord Watergate eventually marries Gertrude, and Phillis’ letter sends them on a rescue mission. Phillis has set herself to marry Mr. Darrell, and go with him to Italy. This course of events eventually lead to Phyllis’ death. The symbolism of the Station is that it is the starting point for the women’s separate journeys into the unknown. Gertrude’s journey leads her to discover more about both herself, and life in general. Lucy struggles to find peace in lieu of her dead fiancee, and when he returns finds the joy of married life and love. Phillis journeys into the unknown darkness that every human being must eventually face. These separate journeys all depart form the same train station, and they all steam out in differing directions. Sadness, joy, and uncertainty are normal characteristics of the start of new journeys, and these three sisters become symbolic of these three emotions.