The Romance of a Shop

This story is a tale of a group of “New Women”. New women were women who spoke out against the gender rules placed on them by society. So in this case it was four sisters who grouped together and began their own photography business. Women having a business was crazy in this time period. Let alone four women all running the same business. No men were involved, you go girls! These sisters were incredibly powerful, along with speaking up against societies rules they fought just after their father died. So mourning and fighting for their right to own a business and make money.

Baker Street station after doing some research doesn’t really seem to be to crazy. Like after looking at the Old Bailey site, it just seemed to be about ten crimes and all were like minor theft. Which kind of makes sense considering it was in the more well a do part of town. Also at no point in the story did it ever give off the vibe that they were in a crime infested part of town. The only “crime” occurring was the ones that the patriarchy was deciding was a crime. if anything they were stopping themselves from committing actual crimes such as prostitution.

This story is all about the new women and their fight. So the areas that the story mention I highly doubt, would be portrayed in a poor and crime infested part of town. If they are trying to push their cause, the new women are probably trying to show it off as glamorously as possible without having it be to glamorous because then the story would hook its male readers. Male readers would blow it off as some fairy tale that women were thinking up to try and break free of their control. So I believe the new women were incredibly smart and just played enough into the wonders of women’s rights without trying to grasp for too much. The Romance of a Shop is a great story to show off New Women literature.