Green Park

Green Park

Evelyn Sharp’s “In Dull Brown”

map (2)

The map above shows Green Park which is a royal park adjacent to Buckingham Palace which is where the British Royal Family resides. It is a beautiful landscape with manicured grass, tall trees and people strolling about. The park is not only for the royal family, many are drawn to the beauty of the park. There are a few memorials and some park benches but this attracts many.

In Evelyn Sharps “In Dull Brown,” Green Park is mentioned in three places.

“Just imagine missing that glorious effect,” she thought to herself, as they rumbled along the edge of the Green Park where the mist was slowly yielding to the warmth of the sun and allowing itself to be coaxed out of growing into a fog.” (Sharp, 182)

“Then spring came, suddenly and completely on the heels of a six weeks frost; and chance took him down Piccadilly one morning in March where the budding freshness of the trees drew him into the Green Park.” (Sharp 191)

“The stream glides sweetly with a pleasant trotting tinkle of bells by the green park side of Piccadilly…” (Sharp 206)

All instances are in reference to its beauty. Being adjacent from Buckingham palace it is no surprise it radiates and draws people in.

green park

The photo above was taken by George P. Landow. He uses the caption “Green Park, London Walking from the Buckingham Palace Gates toward Oxford Street.” You can see the beautiful greenery, people walking and on horseback which is very inviting.


We can see how close the Royal Gates are to Green Park which is near Buckingham Palace in the photo above. This was also taken by George P. Landow.

Green Park seems to be surrounded by royalty but this does not exempt it from crime. There were many ranging from pick-pocketing to treason Henry Scott made an assault on John Higgins and was found guilty and punished to death. Another crime was by William Hamilton who attempted to kill Lady the Queen. He plead guilty and was transported for 7 years.

Green Park seems to be surrounded by royalty which only adds to its beauty. The references made in the story “In Dull Brown” use the beauty of it to add to the scenery. It is not a main point in the story it is touched upon briefly but does so in a way to make you picture where you are in the story.


Work Cited:

Green Park, London, United Kingdom. Digital image. London – OS Town Plan 1893-6. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Sept. 2015

Landow, George P. Green Park, London. Digital image. The Victorian Web. 12 July 2001.

Sharp, Evelyn. “In Dull Brown.” The Yellow Book 8 (January 1896): 181-200. The Yellow Nineties Online.Ed. Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra. Ryerson University, 2012.