Probing Questions & the Socratic Method

When engaging with students, tutors should use questioning techniques both to elicit more information and to direct students towards a deeper analysis of their writing. When a tutor asks probing questions, this approach gives students the opportunity to reflect on rhetorical situations in new ways.

The Socratic Method:

The Socratic Method is a style of questioning that invites comprehensive answers from students. These types of questions will often motivate students to reflect further on the topic at hand and talk through their thoughts.

The following document presents an overview of Socratic Questioning and the ways you can implement it.

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READ this handout on posing questions, which was created by our campus’ Center for Student Success for their tutors. The recommendations are useful, and you may want to print out a copy for reference

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Exercise (optional):

Imagine you are working with a student who has been asked to write a rhetorical analysis paper about your favorite book. The student is struggling with developing a thesis statement. They tell you they do not understand where to begin and cannot get their thoughts onto paper. Come up with three Socratic questions that might allow them to further analyze and verbalize the book’s themes.

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“Designing Effective Projects: Questioning
The Socratic Questioning Technique.” Intel® Education Initiative, 2007. 

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