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NOTE: This site has some broken links—we are working on these issues!


These units contain a combination of videos, podcasts, and readings all focused on tutoring and working with SWW students. We estimate it will take you between 1-2 hours to complete each unit or section of a unit (note: Units 2, 3, and 8 have been broken into two parts). Not all of the articles will be required reading, and when a reading is required, it will be identified. Be sure to listen to all the podcasts as they contain nuggets of wisdom from members of the SUNY New Paltz campus community, including SWW instructors. They are wonderful sources of information.

At the end of each unit, you will find a Wrap Up section. Most of these Wrap Up sections are broken up into two parts: a quiz and a reflection. The quizzes are all ungraded; however, you should take them because they highlight important concepts and information from each unit. In fact, as a study strategy, you may want to begin each unit by trying to take the quiz before reading and watching the resources.  Note: the quizzes are produced in a slightly tongue-in-cheek way, but you can discover that on your own!

Each Wrap Up section will also writing prompts, which will ask you to post in the Tutoring Training Reflection blog section. We recommend typing your Reflection in a different document and then copy/pasting them into the comment box so you don’t accidentally lose anything you are in the process of writing because of technical difficulties.

A First Reading

To get started, please read “Minimalist Tutoring,” by Jeff Brooks to help establish what the role of the tutor should (and shouldn’t) be

Many articles used in this training may be subject to copyright if reposted here but upon email request, a Word document version that should be accessible to screen readers can be provided.

Link to Next Unit

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