Blog: Tutor Training Reflections

Decorative image: wooden printing block letters "Blog"This  BLOG  SITE provides an opportunity for reflection and application of the tutoring materials, and will be shared with your  fellow tutors in training and your SWW instructors who will engage with your ideas as part of the mentoring component of the training.

The blog prompts are structured to flow from ideas, tips and theories revisited in the quizzes, exercises and reading reflections located in the “Wrap-up Tab” at the end of each module.

Task: Please complete all 10 blog entries systematically throughout the semester. Each entry should be approximately 350 words. Consider including images and hyperlinks to sources as appropriate.

Note: Do not include any direct references to students you are tutoring (as per FERPA regulations). You may not use names and you may only refer to hypothetical situations. You may refer to students as Student X or Y etc


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