Miscellaneous Resources


Open English @ SLCC published by Pressbooks

An online textbook with a collection of texts on writing and English.

How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching published by Jossey-Bass

An online PDF based with excellent teaching resources, tied to theory.

Materials from the Writing Center of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

An article on what “good writing” is, as well as other resources on linguistically diverse and international students in the “Faculty Service”/”Faculty and Grads” section.

College, Career, and Community Writers Program (C3WP) Instructional Resources on Argumentative Writing made by the National Writing Projects

Lesson plans and materials for elementary- and secondary-level lessons on argumentative writing that can be used as a basis for a lesson for college students or adapted to help college students in a tutoring context (especially the secondary-school-level lessons).

Graphic Organizers from Ohio State University Mansfield

Simple graphic organizers of various kinds that you can print for student use during sessions.

Writing and Speaking Guides made by Texas A&M University

An extensive collection of guides/resources on a variety of topics including academic writing, presentations, researching, drafting, grammar and mechanics, revising and editing, punctuation, professional writing, brainstorming and planning, citing and documenting, and creative writing.

Writing Resources from the Thompson Writing Program of Duke Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

Some guides/resources on writing at the college level including genres, grammar, writing as a process, discipline-specific writing, working with sources, ESL writers, and writing with learning differences.

Journal of Basic Writing made available by WAC Clearinghouse

An extensive collection of articles from the Journal of Basic Writing made available for everyone to read through WAC Clearinghouse.

Writing Guides and Handouts from James Madison University’s Writing Center

A collection of guides and handouts on college-level writing including the writing process, types of writing, grammar, punctuation, style, citation, and sources.

Writing References from the Learning Center of Ohio State University Lima

A collection of links to resources on the writing process, the mechanics of writing, research and citation, and professional writing.

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