EdTech @ NP

Technology Integration in P-20 Education

SP 19 ET4TP Workshops

sign up for workshops here | all workshops held in OM 215, are designed for educators from PreK to higher ed, and are 45-minutes long.

App Smackdown: Tools for Formative Assessment Wed Jan 23 | 9:30-10:15am

Come learn some easy-to-access, free or no-fee apps for formative assessment in the classroom, such as MentimeterKahoot!, FlipGrid, Padlet,  and Quizlet.

Google slidedeck for workshop.

Google Classroom: A Group Work Solution | Wed Jan 30 | 12:30-1:15pm

Curious about Google Classroom? Come to this workshop to explore how to use it in the context of group work. You’ll learn how to set up a group, as well as create, assign, and assess an assignment.

Google slidedeck for workshop.

ISTE Standards: Foundations of EdTech | Tues Feb 5 | 12:30-1:15pm & 2:00-2:45pm

The ISTE Standards for Educators are making waves as the foundational learning standards for instructors at all levels. They are malleable and thought-provoking, and we’ll engage in a sort of playground to think about the implications of each in the context of our own teaching and learning practices. Get a preview of the ISTE Standards for Educators.

Google slidedeck for workshop.

CANCELLED Green Screens: Video Production 1-2-3 | Wed Feb 13 | 12:30-1:15pm

Canceled due to uncertain weather conditions. Please join us on Wednesday, March 13 — on that day, we’ll talk about blending learning and green screens. Hope to see you then!

Twitter for Teachers: Demystifying EdChats | Wed Feb 20 | 9:30-10:15am

Twitter is increasingly a go-to ecosystem for teachers at any level to locate information, collaborate, share, and learn when it comes to materials, pedagogies, curricula, and everything in between. Come learn about various edchats, how they work, and how to mine them for up-to-the-minute information on what’s hot and what’s not when it comes to teaching today.



Makerspace I: Make Your Classroom Come Alive | Wed Feb 27 | 12:30-1:15pm

Ever wonder what the buzz is all about when it comes to makerspaces? Learn about what they are, how to create them, and why you’d want to do so in the first place.

Google Slides for workshop

Image result for tools clip artNeed to Know: Transferable Tech Skills | Thurs Mar 7 | 12:30-1:15pm & 2:00-2:45pm

Don’t have time to learn every new app and tool, but curious to know some basic ideas and skills that you can use across platforms, tools, and devices? Then this workshop is for you! Based loosely on the ideas shared in this article “Transferable Digital Literacy Knowledge”, this workshop will help you expand your transferable digital knowledge for the classroom.

Google slidedeck for workshop

Swivl, Screencastify & Green Screens: Video for Blended Learning | Wed Mar 13 | 12:30-1:15pm

Curious about the nuts and bolts of creating engaging videos for blended learning environments? Come to this workshop to play around with Screencastify, a web-based screen-recording app; Swivl, a device that follows, records, and transmits instructors while teaching; and green screens using the app DoInk.

Google Slidedeck for Workshop

Build It with Hawksites: Online CVs/Resumes | Wed Mar 27 | 9:30-10:15am

Heard about Hawksites, but not sure what the buzz is all about? Come and learn how to set up your own virtual CV or resume to showcase your accomplishments, interests, publications, etc.

Google Slidedeck for Workshop

Common Sense Media: Unpacking Privacy | Tues Apr 2 | 12:30-1:15pm & 2:00-2:45pm

What’s the deal with privacy, anyway? What’s important to teach our students about what to look for when signing up for a new website or app? What data is actually being collected? Come to discuss the answers to these questions and more.

Google Slidedeck for Workshop

Makerspace II: Design It, Make It, Share It | Wed Apr 10 | 12:30-1:15pm

Let’s talk some more about makerspaces. Design, make and share a thing that can be replicated in your current (or future) classroom. (You do not have to have attended the Makerspace I workshop to attend this.)

Slidedeck for Workshop

CodeMonkey Sandbox: Coding Is Elementary! | Wed Apr 17 | 12:30-1:15pm

Keep hearing coding is all the rage? Come check out CodeMonkey, a tool that’s being used increasingly in elementary school classrooms. We’ll have access to a demo and can mess around and test our design thinking skills.

Google slidedeck for workshop

Robotics Sandbox: Come Meet Dash & Dot | Wed Apr 24 | 9:30-10:15am

Let’s get Dash & Dot out of the box and play. We’ll experiment with what they can do, and check out some examples of how teachers use robots in the classroom.

Google slidedeck for workshop

Video Sandbox: Digital Storytelling Made Simple | Thurs May 2 | 12:30-1:15pm & 2:00-2:45pm

We’ll play around with iMovie, Powtoon, and BookCreator to see what the digital storytelling rage is all about. Come with an idea or without, and walk away with a toolkit of tips for the future.

Google slidedeck for workshop

End-of-Semester Share: Each One, Teach One | Wed May 8 | 12:30-1:15pm

At this last session of the inaugural ET4TP series, participants are invited to share a brief (less than 2 minutes) summary or snapshot of their tech integration celebrations, fails, and anything in between. Come end the semester by learning one more thing you can take with you into the fall.

Google Doc for Ideas

The ET4TP Professional Development series has been made possible with funding from a TeachNY grant. Collaborating partners include the Center for Innovation in Education @ New Paltz and the Mid-Hudson Teacher Center.

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