1. Open a new or existing word document. You will need your cursor on a blank page for this to work.
    Blank page of Word Document circled Blank page on new document in Word circled
  2. Click on the Insert tab, and go over to the Text section.
    Insert Tab on top circled, Text section under this tab circled
  3. Click on Object and two options will appear, select Text from File.
    Object and its sub tab option Text from File circled
  4. This will prompt you to select a Microsoft file to take the text and formatting from.
    File Window with Microsoft file circled
  5. It will automatically insert the text from that file into your current documentĀ and it will keep the previous formatting. This will not affect the original document in any way.
    Text from other Word document inserted into blank page

By just copying and pasting text from another document the formatting can change from the original which is why this Inserting option is recommended.