Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format documents and work with other people.

  1. First, select Google Docs from your Google account.
    Clicked on Google Apps, scrolled down to the blue Google Docs icon
  2. Then you’ll want to create a new document by clicking on this blank new document button.
    Google Docs main page, Under Start a new Document, Blank is circled
  3. Name your document by going to the top left corner where it says Untitled document and click on it to rename the document.
    Untitled Document title, top left, circled
  4. Just like a Microsoft Word Document you can write and edit. However, on Google Doc, you can also comment, share, edit/give suggestions. Those will be in a separate blog post.
    Google doc with example text typed into the document.
  5. Also, no need to worry about forgetting to save because Google Doc’s automatically saves every time you make a change to your document even just writing one word will cause the document to automatically save.
    Google Document confirmed auto saving top center, notification stating Every change you make is automatically saved in Drive. Last edit was seconds ago. Circled.
  6. That’s the basics of getting started with Google Docs. Go to our other Google Doc post to learn about Sharing, Commenting, Editing, and Suggesting.