Nov. 3 WebEx Event: Gayle x Gayle: A Father-Daughter Journey into Living While Black Through Photojournalism 

Join us November 3 for a special event:

Gayle x Gayle: A Father-Daughter Journey into Living While Black Through Photojournalism

Wednesday November 3, 4-5pm  On WebEx (please note new link)

Introduction by Adrienne Lee Atterberry, PhD
PRODiG Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, SUNY New Paltz

Please read the chapter The Promise from C Wright Mills’ book, The Sociological Imagination to prepare.

headshot of Gina GayleProfessor Gayle will take us on an engaging journey into the photographic documentation of Black life over six decades by both Professor Gayle and her father, the late James Gayle. There are recurring themes in the images, which mainstream media overlooked for one reason or another.
As we look at this project’s images, where does the sociological imagination fit?
And when talking about reality, whose reality is it?
Let’s spend an evening engaging in this conversation from a mass communications, fine art, and sociological point of view.

Gina Gayle, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in Visual and Multimedia Storytelling at Emerson College. She is a photojournalist, educator, and researcher earning her doctorate in Mass Communications from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. Recent awards and fellowships include the Hearst Newspaper Journalism Fellowship and the NABJ Gulf Coast Fellowship.  More info at this link.

This event is hosted by Eddy at New Paltz and co-sponsored by the Photography Program / Art Department, the James H. Ottaway Sr. Visiting Professor of Journalism Program, the Digital Media and Journalism Department, The Sociology Department, and the Faculty Development Center.

Nature Culture & History Storyteller Evan Pritchard To Present Live Storytelling Event on Campus Oct. 5

Save the Date: Tuesday, October 5 from 4-5pm or 5:15-6:15 p.m.
Location: SUNY New Paltz, College Terrace
Topic: Bundling Humans and Nature Together: An Autumn Blanket of Stories

The Department of Communication will host author/storyteller Evan Pritchard on Tuesday, Oct. 5 for an evening of storytelling entitled, “Bundling Humans and Nature Together: An Autumn Blanket of Stories.” The event will take place in the College Terrace.

Communication faculty and students and those enrolled in Storytelling and Culture are invited to attend one of two identical sessions: the first from 4-5 p.m., and the second from 5:15-6:15 p.m., which will allow for social distancing.  The college reminds all attendees of its mandatory indoor face covering policy. Please wear a mask.

Evan Pritchard, a descendant of the MI’kmaq, one of the Algonquin nations, is the director of the Center for Algonquin Culture in Rosendale, New York.
He has been interviewing traditional native elders for over thirty years. He has lectured on native studies at colleges including Vassar, Pace, Marist, Columbia University, SUNY, and several others. He is the author of over fifty books on native culture and history, including Native New Yorkers; Henry Hudson and the Algonquins (Chicago Review Press); Bird Medicine (Inner Traditions/Simon and Schuster); Native American Stories of the Sacred (Turner Books) and No Word for Time (Millichap).  Evan Pritchard has published original maps of Native American settlements in the Hudson Valley, some of which have been included in an online history exhibition at CONTACT: The Dutch Meet the Wappinger Confederacy at Hell Gate, 1645

-1646 | Gracie Mansion funded by The government of the Netherlands. He frequently appears on radio stations including WBAI and WNYC, and has been a featured guest on CNN, ABC, Discovery Channel, History Channel, and on Roger Hernandez’s 90-minute special “Touring Native New York” on Manhattan Cable.