Apply Now is Coming!

If you know of anyone who who might be interested in getting their Master’s in literacy, please pass this information on! The Literacy Program will be holding an Apply Now! event on Wednesday, March 24 at 5:00 to 6:30pm.

As we have at our Apply Now events in the past, we will waive the essay and letters of recommendation for applicants from our undergraduate programs.

Register to attend here! A reminder e-mail with the Webex link will be sent before the event!

Graduation for Spring 2021

If you are planning to graduate in May 2021, please be sure to apply for your degree online by January 1. See deadlines for Summer (August) and Fall (December) 2021 below.

Go to >> Graduation >> Degree Application to complete your application. More information can be found here.

Jan 1             Degree Applications for May conferral
March 15
Degree Applications for August conferral
July 1
Degree Applications for December conferral

Open House: Monday, November 16

If you know of anyone who who might be interested in getting their Master’s in literacy, please pass this information on! The College is hosting an Open House for School of Education programs on Monday, November 16 at 6:00 to 7:30pm.

As we have at our Apply Now events in the past, we will waive the essay and letters of recommendation for applicants from our undergraduate programs.

RSVP here — choose “ED: LITERACY” on the registration form.

Registration for Spring 21 by Google Form

This is just a quick reminder for candidates registering for classes to please complete this Google Form at your earliest convenience. (If you’ve already done so, you are all set!)

Please do not attempt to register using mynewpaltz. You will be registered manually instead, based on your responses on the Google Form.

The process may take around a week or so to be completed. If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to get in touch with your advisor or Dr. G (

Wishing you a restful weekend!


LED Updates & Spring 2021 Registration

Hello Literacy Leaders!  Time is flying, and it’s hard to believe that we are already well into the second half of the Fall 2020 semester. Please read ahead for a few updates from your Literacy Education team.


If you are registering for classes for Spring 2021, please respond to this Google Form by Friday, November 6. Please note: after you complete this form, you will be manually registered for Spring 2021. You do not need to take any further action (in other words, you do not need to register on your own through mynewpaltz).

Certification Q & A

If you have lingering questions about certification — no worries! Chris Whitaker, our Certification Advisor, is hosting a virtual Q & A this Thursday, October 27 at 4:00-5:00pm for literacy candidates to respond to any questions you may have. Please email for Zoom connection information if you’d like to attend. You can alternatively email with any additional questions about certification.

Open House

If you know of anyone interested in applying to the Literacy Education program, please share this flyer with them! The SUNY New Paltz Graduate School will be hosting an Open House on Monday, November 16th from 6:00 to 7:30pm, and the Literacy Education team will be holding an Apply Now event at the same time. For additional information, email

Be well and stay safe. We look forward to being in touch!



Welcome Back, GRE & Certification Exam Updates

Hello Literacy Education Community! We hope you all are doing well in these most unusual times.

No matter whether you’re a student, a teacher, or both right now — you are likely experiencing some type of online educational experience in your life at the moment. We hope it is going as smoothly as possible!

Please read ahead for updates on the GRE deadline & certification exam information.


If you have been accepted into the program and started your coursework, but still need to submit your GRE scores by the mid-point of this semester, the Graduate School has extended the deadline! The new deadline for submitted GRE scores this semester is November 2. Please contact your advisor with any questions or concerns.

Certification Exams

The Regents met on September 15 to discuss items related to addressing the COVID crisis and the reopening of schools.  As expected, the Board approved the extension of flexibilities related to the edTPA safety net (the ATS-W Elementary or Secondary as applicable) and the emergency COVID-19 certificate through the 2020-21 academic year:

Eligibility for the edTPA safety net includes:

  • Candidates who complete a student teaching or similar clinical experience during the 2020-2021 academic year while enrolled in a New York State registered teacher preparation program;
  • Candidates who complete a student teaching experience during the 2020-2021 academic year while enrolled in an acceptable out-of-state teacher preparation program; and
  • Candidates who complete the teaching experience requirement for certification through the individual evaluation pathway during the 2020-2021 academic year.

  Also, Safety Net Tests expiring this semester:

Test Code 

Safety Net Test 


Safety Net Biology (for testing from 11/11/2019 through 11/10/2020)


Safety Net Chemistry (for testing from 11/11/2019 through 11/10/2020)


Safety Net Earth Science (for testing from 11/11/2019 through 11/10/2020)


Safety Net Educational Technology Specialist


Safety Net Physics (for testing from 11/11/2019 through 11/10/2020)

The revised Content Specialty Test (CST) in Visual Arts will become operational in November 2020:

The safety net for the CST in Visual Arts allows candidates to take either the applicable revised CST or the predecessor CST for one year after the revised CST becomes operational.

And there’s still room to sign up for this semester’s discounted remote DASA, SAVE & Child Abuse ID workshops:

*The Pell Grant/Excelsior Scholarship fee waivers are full for the SAVE & Child Abuse ID workshops, but there’s still room for DASA waivers.

And finally, for Educational Administration candidates, the launch date for the Revised (May 2019) School Building Leader (SBL) Assessment will now become operational in Spring 2021, instead of November 2020.

As an extra helpful bonus, here’s a video presentation on how to do everything regarding certification: 

If you have additional questions about outstanding certification exams or requirements, contact Chris Whitaker (

Checking In & Resources

Hello, Literacy Leaders!

This remains a very difficult time for many. Not only are we still living through a global pandemic — we are now also living through a historic uprising against racism and police brutality. There is much to think about and do as educators and leaders in these extraordinary times.

What follows is a brief collection of announcements, links, and reminders for you.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

The CARES Act provides funding for students for expenses related to the campus disruption as a result of coronavirus. Find out more here. The deadline to apply is June 25.

Teaching About Race, Racism, and Social (In)Justice in the Classroom

There are some really wonderful resources out there for talking about race, racism, and social (in)justice in the classroom. Here are a few more to add to your collection:

Office Hours, Program Coordinating & Advising for Summer

Dr. Greene is coordinating the literacy education program for the summer semester (Fall officially begins on August 21) — if you have any paperwork, advising, or other program-related questions over the next few months, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with Dr. G at this link.

Wishing everyone a happy final few days of the school year!!

More COVID-19 Certification Updates

Hi Everyone — please see the below note from our Certification Advisor, Chris Whitaker, about the latest certification updates.

Good news: the Emergency COVID-19 certificate applications are finally up and working on TEACH! So, here’s how to proceed:

1)    Be sure to apply for your regular Initial certificates on your Teach Account first. Here’s the link to the step-by-step certificate application directions for all of our programs:

2)    Then apply for the Emergency COVID-19 certificate for the same titles, and be sure to select Emergency COVID-19 for “Type of Certificate” instead of Initial. This is an Individual Evaluation pathway, but it should not cost you anything extra.

3)    Once your recommendations from Records & Registration for your regular program certificates show up on your Teach Account, then the COVID-19 emergency certificate application will be ready to be processed. 

Please remember: 

a) The Emergency COVID-19 certificate applications are for those who have not completed or passed tests for certification in Spring & Summer 2020.

b) You have to apply for both your regular and Emergency COVID-19 certificates before Sept. 1st 2020.

c) All other requirements for the certificate (other than exams) must be met in order for the Emergency COVID-19 application to process.

We’re getting there!

Wishing you well,

Chris Whitaker
Certification Advisor
School of Education, SUNY New Paltz

Updated answers to most of your certification questions:

Congratulations, Graduates!!!

It’s hard to believe the semester is already coming to a close. It feels like we were just settling in after the campus water crisis when COVID-19 completely disrupted the spring semester for colleges and universities everywhere. It’s been a journey, to say the least!

If we were still having an in-person graduation ceremony today, those of you who are graduating in May and August 2020 would be preparing to walk across the stage to receive your diploma right around now. All of the literacy education faculty would be assembled, ready to cheer you on!! It’s something we look forward to every single year, and we are feeling the loss of that celebration today. But no one is feeling it more than the Class of 2020.

We are so incredibly proud of you!! And we made a Padlet to say so:

Made with Padlet

And here’s a video created by faculty in the School of Education congratulating all education graduates in the Class of 2020!:

We look forward to working with those of you who are starting or returning for classes this summer and fall. And we will miss those of you who are graduating very, very much!

Be well and stay safe. CONGRATULATIONS, LITERACY LEADERS of the CLASS of 2020!!