Nguyen_Semester Quote Collection

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I chose these quotes because they are really important to me. Throughout this class I felt like these were important because I am an Art Major and the graffiti art always interested me. The way the graffiti artist would always create such beautiful works always had my interest. These graffiti artist would I feel also have the courage to do something that is not legal in certain areas. I think it takes guts to do something like this for a living and make a community for these artists. Some of the artist decided to make a community for these artists that do not have a safe space to get their art works out there into the world. The way Naska explains her work is just really nice to me because of the good description to what that artist wants to say in their artwork. When they have events for these people it makes me really excited to see these works. We talked about in class how hip hop is a very male dominated culture and that is still true to this day. The women in hip hop definitely need their respect because they are working hard just as much. They go through a bit more then the men do in the hip hop industry. 

 In the readings it is interesting because I never really heard of all of these women in hip hop. The Naska quote is good because she talks about her graffiti work. She describes what she does and what her style is but the most important thing is that she wants to get her message out there into the work have it shout out through her artworks. She uses her graffiti work to communicate. Most artist should do that as well. The community that has been created for safe spaces is also very excellent and important because as the quote from Morgan he says that the next generation can change the future. If the next generation can work hard enough we can definitely change the future as well. In the show The Get Down the character Ezekiel played by Justice Smith talks to the people watching the speech from him during the election and he talks about how the younger people can change the future. Which also ties into the quote by Pabon the hip hop needs a critical re-imagining. 

The course has taught me a lot, even though I did not talk as much but it is very interesting to hear the students and the professor opinions in the course. I really did not know much about any of this stuff I honestly thought people in this word just make music. The quote from Sharpley Whiting is true because of how many things I see in social media where people just care about how women’s beauty in the world. People only want to see beauty in women. At the end of the day these quotes mean something nice to me and hopefully other students as well. 


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