The Get Down_Fernandez

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Being that I am from New York City and spend a lot of time in the Bronx, I found the show “The Get Down extremely interesting. Watching the show and looking back on the relationship between the Bronx and Hip Hop taught me a lot about how important the culture is. Music and graffiti was everything to the characters in the show. For some people of color who come from poverty areas like the Bronx, Hip Hop, Graffiti and other arts are what rely on. It gives them hope to be more than just a kid from the Bronx. To the Music is their escape. As a person who lives in Harlem, New York we see this a lot in our community. So many young kids have a passion for rap, it’s what brings them together and makes them feel like they have a chance at being someone big. In the show they spoke a lot about politics and bettering the city. In the reading they also speak upon the youth using things like graffiti, rapping, performances, ect. as a form to get social justice. The reading also speaks on how through the study of Hip Hop, the youth is able to expand their knowledge on social issues and get involved in social movements from an early age. To me this just proves how Hip Hop is more than just entertainment, it is a way to unify the underrepresented. It is a way to spread awareness and give people hope and inspirations in a place where it seems impossible. Hip Hop is about connecting the youth to their purpose and putting them up to a challenge.

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