The Get Down_Fernandez

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In the last episode of the Get Down there were a lot of things that stood out to me. Homophobia and sexuality was a huge issue through out this episode. Maylene’s father was extremely against gay men and constantly made sure that his daughters music was in no way connected to a homosexual man. Through out the episode I could not help but notice that although this was supposed to be an extremely religious and controlling household, Maylene was constantly sexualized. Her breast were always exposed and she wore short articles of clothing. Even her mother was sexualized as they showed scenes where Maylene’s uncle would caress her leg under the table during a family dinner. Overall through out this episode both Maylene and her friends and Ezekiel and his friends are at a very ambitous point of their music careers. They both have amazing opportunities approaching and I have observed the difference between the two. The women are singing and making religious music, while their bodies and beauty are also coming into play. However, the men are making more “masculine” music such as rapping and creating beats. These men are not for a second sexualized but they are portrayed as tough and as trouble makers so that they are seen more masculine. Also, for Ezekiel he got a lot of back lash for having an internship and working on wall street. He was afraid to be smart and have a future because the men in his neighborhood didn’t believe you could be tough and educated. Coming from an area of poverty, I see this happen a lot in my community. Men are afraid to share their college experience with the men from their hood because they are afraid to be seen as anything but “a man from the hood.” I feel like this show touches on a lot of issues not only in Hip Hop but in the hood as well. Image result for the get down

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