Nguyen Blog #3

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Learning about hip hop feminism is very interesting. The reading assigned for the class I chose to write about was the “Toward A Critical Hip-Hip Feminist Pedagogy” they talked about SOLHOT I did not know what that was until I read the assignment from what I am understanding I believe they help women of color. SOLHOT wanted to create that space for them to create a safe space. I think it is interesting because the author was talking about feminism and hip hop had a role. “Hip-hop feminism celebrates hip-hop in the time before the men (cleage,2004) and resist telling the oft-quoted origin narrative in a way that leaves women and girls outside of hip-hop” (page 140).  So from what the quote is saying is that women definitely helped out a lot in hip-hop then I guess men made it into their own narrative like the quote said. I found that really interesting because I never really knew that women would make their own thing in hip-hop like for example music videos just to have their ideas stolen(?). It would be different if artist/singers would be inspired by each other, other than taking ideas from one another. I found it really nice that women have such a bigger role in hip-hop then expected. 🙂 

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