Lozano_Hip-Hop Feminism

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These past few chapters and class discussions have  taught me that there isn’t one particular way to demonstrate feminism but many. Hip hop feminism introduced a new way of thinking and “doing” feminism. “We use Hip-hop feminism as an umbrella term to encompass creative, intellectual,work regarding girls and women in hip-hop culture and/ or as part of hip hop generation… We consider how the creative, intellectual work of hip hop feminism invites new questions about representation, provides additional insights about embodied experience, and offers alternative models for critical engagement”(Durham, Cooper, Morris, 721-722). This chapter in The Stage Hip-Hop feminism Built: A New Directions Essay helped me understand that Hip-hop feminism differs from any other kind because it chooses to focus on how women express themselves and use different spaces to empower and credit themselves for their abilities. Hip hop feminism chooses to focus on the truths of many voices. Whether it be through MC-ing, rapping, dancing and  B-girling or graffiti writing. In Hip Hop Feminist  Morgan states that the truth can’t be found in the voice of any one rapper but the juxtaposition of many and I think this was a perfect example of the power and ability women can have when coming together to express themselves in ways that makes them exactly who they are. After viewing the B- Girl documentary in class I got a better understanding of how Hip-Hop feminism expressed exactly who these women were. They walked, talked and  lived the hip- hop culture and even though these women were super talented it didn’t make their struggle to be recognized and respected in that community any easier.  

While watching another documentary about the Redenami Crew, I noticed that these women also struggled to get a space on the wall and be fully respected for their talents because they are women. In the same way these girls came together to create a space to express themselves yet they did not define themselves as feminists. What these women didn’t know was that feminism isn’t just expressed in one way and Hip-Hop feminism in particular focuses more on the grey areas. It focuses more on deconstructing and creating spaces where women can shine and less about drawing lines in the sand.


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