Fernandez_Hip Hop Feminism

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Throughout class and the reading “The Stage Hip Hop Feminism Built” we learned about the positions women of color were and still are in when it comes to the industry.  Women were mostly seen as add ons to Hip Hop and nothing more. Hip Hop feminists began challenging gender roles through their music and performance. I found it interesting how feminists in Hip Hop began “to formulate an unapologetic pro-sex stance among black and Latina women”. This was one way to challenge the Hip Hop community and prove that women can talk about sex in their music just as men do. By not caring about what society had to say they were making a name for themselves and helping other women in Hip Hop come forward as well. In the reading they speak upon respectability politics. This stood out to me because they worked toward speaking upon sex and the plesure and pain that comes with it while still demonstrating and implementing honor, self-respect, piety, and propriety.They worked hard promoting racial uplift and womens rights. I have learned that Hip Hop is way more than just entertainment which is what links it back to feminism. It is a platform for women of color to empower themselves and others. To educate society and end stigmas. In a male dominated industry, women are still involved and are not afraid to challenge the men in the field. 

I also believe that just because a woman listens to mysogystic music does not mean that she is any less of a feminist. Although being a supporter of this type of music challenges Feminism, it is wrong to tell a woman she is not a feminist because of her choices of music. My main argument through this is that feminism is individualistic and it is important to respect how each woman practices her feminism. As long as you are not bringing down another woman, everyone is entitled to perform feminism in their own ways.


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