Almonte_Deconstructing Gender&Sexuality

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The Deconstructing Gender and Sexuality section almost makes me feel like I’m playing both sides of the fence. In one of the beginning pages from “The Real HIP HOP” the author states, “I spell feminism as pheminism with ph in order to emphasize the notion that presenting a young woman’s perspective requires a high level of skill and commitment to the science of hip hop.” This stands out to me because its a reminder how women have to work twice as hard, be twice as unique, be twice as bold over a male performer to be respected or acknowledged. We have artist like Lauren Hill, Queen Latifah that have shown us you do not need to objectify your body to be a woman artist yet somehow we seem to also be drawn to artist that are overly sexual.

Blaxican video had a woman with a gun, showing her breast and having the woman in the background dance in a “sexy” manner. The lyrics described as being poisonous, heart breaker and dangerous. I can understand where this video can be frustrating, the stereotypical oversexualized women kind of thing but to come to his defense she was fully dressed and their are women who prey on a mans heart as well. Yes, the hip hop community over subjectify women but part of me also feels like we give into that by not following more women like Queen Latifah and Lauren Hill. We praise the Nicki Minaj who will shake her ass all video or discuss how a man gave her money cause hes a drug dealer. I can appreciate one of the comments that came out in class, “We blame the consumers but not the demand.” I think this is my biggest challenge accepting as women we want a change and demanding respect yet singing along to lyrics that keep us as objects. I would like to learn how do we change this? How do we make women uplifting women mainstream in turn forcing men to uplift us more.

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