Fernandez_De/construction of Gender & Sexuality

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During this past week of class, we learned a lot about De/constructing Gender and sexuality. Something that stood out to me was the way women were portrayed in Hip-Hop. For example when the class saw the music video by Kemo about this woman who was considered a poisonous snake because she was a heartbreaker and was very badly behaved. In this video the focus was on the woman’s breast the entire time, everything else was barely visible. She also did not speak or have a verse in the song, she was simply there being sexualized. Also, the man in the video flaunts his wedding ring as if it shows how “macho” he is for being married but still being involved with other women. I find it interesting how this video makes it seem as if this woman is so horrible but sexy for being a heart breaker but for men its normalized. This connects to how gender and sexuality are portrayed in Hip-Hop and also how this contributes to the construction of gender. However, in-class we also say a music video called “Gay Vatos in Love” that was about gay Latino men in love. Not only are these men speaking about gay Latinx men, but about gay Latinx men who are considered “gangsters”. When people think of a gangster they think of heterosexual men. This all falls into the category of gender norms and sexuality norms. This video actually deconstructed gender and sexuality. In the Latinx culture, men are expected  to be heterosexual and macho, Latino men are not usually open with their sexuality if they are gay and the fact that these men did a whole music video on gay men in love really challenges gender and sexuality norms not only in the Latinx community but in society in general. 

I would like to learn about what happens to men who are gangsters and openly homosexual in cultures who are completely against homosexuals and also about women who are a gangster and how they are treated.


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