Dependent upon the internet for all aspects of daily life, we are unconsciously being controlled by data mining and have become desensitized to the security concerns of mass data collection. Through micro-installations and wearable works, I create tactile data bits and visualizations that draw attention to these complex issues. Delicate rows of tiny human figures are arranged to read as text, or the constant stream of recorded personal data. Jewelry pieces are arranged into an aerial installation monitored by looming magnifying lenses. These works invite the viewer to have a closer look, and provoke feelings of invaded privacy, surveillance, and information overload.

Peeking the world 1, Sterling silver, copper, acrylic, 2020

Peeking the world 2, Sterling silver, copper, acrylic , 2020

Peeking the world 3, Sterling silver, copper, acrylic , 2020

Peeking the world Detail 1, Sterling silver, 2020

Peeking the world Detail 2, Sterling silver, 2020

Encircling , Sterling silver, 2020

Printer, Sterling silver, acrylic mirror sheet, 2020

Text Data 1, Sterling silver, digital edited , 2020

Text Data 2, Sterling silver, digital edited , 2020

Data Piles , Sterling silver, digital edited, 2020