Is Your Resume Ready?

When you apply for internship eligibility, an updated resume is required. The qualifications for your resume are:

  • 1-page
  • Single sided
  • No listed home street address

If your resume doesn’t include relevant information or it needs a bit of work, your application could be held for review. Here are some tips for a successful resume:

  • Includes ONLY relevant information – education, experience, skills and coursework
  • In the education section, order schools reverse-chronologically (College, then High School)
  • Don’t clutter it – leave white space
  • Make it well organized

If you are still having trouble putting together a resume or you want someone to look it over, the Career Resource Center offers great resume help.

Remember to Submit Your Application for Internship Eligibility!

The application for internship eligibility is easier and better than ever before! First, before you apply, make sure you are qualified to apply for eligibility. Here is the check list:

  • 60+ total credits
  • 30+ credits at New Paltz (1 year residency)
  • 18+ credits in the major
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA

Once you are qualified you can begin the application. Remember, this application is a one-time deal, which means once you are approved you can intern any semester thereafter (as long as your GPA doesn’t drop below a 2.5). 

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What To Do Once You Have Been Approved for Internship Eligibility

Once you’ve been certified eligible to intern you may find an internship (in order to graduate you must intern at least one semester). When you do this there are a few steps you have to take. First, when you are approved you will be sent a congrats email/text, make sure you not only read the email but also to save it, you will need to reference it later The congrats email has all the steps and resources you need to find and secure an internship.  Here are a few resources for where to go from here. Continue reading