BIO202: General Biology II (Spring) – An introduction to modern biology: diversity of life forms, the process of evolution, and the interactions of organisms with their environment and with each other.

BIO440: Freshwater Biology (Spring) – This course focuses on the study of freshwater ecosystems: lakes, human created ponds and reservoirs, and streams. SUNY New Paltz is ideally situated to explore freshwater ecosystems with the Wallkill River at the edge of town, several lakes within the Mohonk Preserve, and NYC drinking water reservoirs within a short drive. The class will have weekly laboratories and field trips aimed at the study of the biological, chemical, and physical properties of lakes, streams, and reservoirs. We will visit a wide range of freshwater environments including local (e.g. the Gunk, Wallkill River) and regional (e.g. Lake Mohonk, NYC drinking water reservoirs) sites. Classroom, lab, and field exercises will focus on increasing scientific literacy, understanding the freshwater environment, experimentation, and understanding ecological processes with lakes and streams.

BIO348: Biological Statistics (Fall) – Statistics is the science and art of using sample data to make generalizations about populations and predictions about how the world works. We use statistics in a range of biological research and daily life including cell/molecular biology, genetics, ecology, sports, medicine, polls, and elections. This course is directed towards a practical application of statistical methods for biologists and will include topics such as hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA (analysis of variance), correlation, and regression. This class is recommended for students currently involved with research and data collection. This course will satisfy the statistics Required Cognate Course OR one Upper Division Biology Elective.

BIO346: Biological Data Analysis and Communication (Fall) – An introduction to computer programming in R to perform biological data analytics including reading/writing files, data manipulations, graphics, and statistical analyses. Additionally, a focus on improving scientific communication skills including reading, writing, and presentation.

BIO340: Ecology (Fall) – A study of principles and concepts of ecology at the ecosystem, community, population, and organism levels of organization. Laboratory and fieldwork emphasize methods of acquiring, analyzing, and interpreting ecological data.