Here is a quote from author John Green about students who are sad about returning to school and how lucky they are to have school to attend in first place: “Regardless of where you live, primary education became a requirement sometime after 1775. This 250-year period has been a pretty good run for humans — featuring, you know, steam engines, the Internet, antibiotics, skyscrapers, a stunning increase in life expectancy, home pizza delivery, water purification plants and landing a freaking Mini Cooper on Mars. Needless to say, this is not a coincidence. [Education] isn’t just about you. Your nation is making an investment in you because they believe that you are worth it. So the next time you’re, like, half-asleep in class, fantasizing about being a kid chosen for a special mission or wizard school or whatever, please remember something: You are special, and you’ve been chosen for a special mission that was denied to 99.9 percent of all humans ever. We need you, we believe in you, and we’re counting on you” (from a NYTimes article).

Author John Green on education