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Presidential Address Published

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Cover, The Humanistic Psychologist

My Society for Humanistic Psychology (SHP) presidential address has been published in The Humanistic Psychologist as an advance online publication. SHP is Division 32 of the American Psychological Association. If you don’t have access to The Humanistic Psychologist, a preprint is available here. Citation Raskin, J. D. (2022). Using context-centered and person-centered therapies to unite a divided nation.… Continue reading

APA Panel on Diagnostic Alternatives

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Washing car, Mary Tyler Moore style

Dr. Raskin presented at the 2022 American Psychological Association annual convention in Minneapolis as part of a symposium panel looking at DSM-5-TR and its alternatives. Chaired by clinical psychologist Todd DuBose, the panel included seminal representatives of various diagnostic approaches: Sarah Morris (Associate Head of Research Domain Criteria at the National Institute of Mental Health), Robert… Continue reading

Psychologists Dissatisfied with DSM, Want Alternatives

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Cover of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

I have co-authored a new research study with Drs. Doug Maynard and Michael Gayle that found psychologists overwhelmingly use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) but aren’t satisfied with it. The article was just published in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Read the accepted prepublication version. Article details below. The article has already received media attention here.… Continue reading

DSM Attitudes Paper Published in Print

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Cover, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

The print version of my co-authored study of psychologist attitudes toward DSM and its alternatives appeared in the December 2022 issue of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice: Raskin, J. D., Maynard, D., & Gayle, M. C. (2022). Psychologist attitudes toward DSM-5 and its alternatives. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice,53(6), 553–563. (preprint)   Public Significance Statement This… Continue reading

Constructivist Therapy Chapter in APA Psychotherapy Handbook

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
APA Handbook of Psychotherapy

I have a new chapter on constructivist psychotherapy in the recently published APA Handbook of Psychotherapy (Vol. 1). It is coauthored with Dr. Sara K. Bridges. APA Handbook of Psychotherapy Edited by Frederick T. L. Leong, Editor-in-chief, Jennifer L. Callahan, Jeffrey Zimmerman, Michael J. Constantino, and Catherine F. Eubanks © 2024 American Psychological Association Volume 1:… Continue reading

Franz R. Epting (1937-2023)

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Franz R. Epting

My doctoral advisor, Franz Epting, passed away in June 2023. I had the honor of writing his obituary for the American Psychologist. The preprint version is available below. Raskin, J. D. (2023). Franz R. Epting (1937–2023). American Psychologist. Advance online publication. Excerpt: Franz Ryan Epting, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Florida,… Continue reading

In Print: “Using Context-Centered and Person-Centered Therapies to Unite a Divided Nation”

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Humanistic Psychologist, Issue 1, 2023 cover

“Using Context-Centered and Person-Centered Therapies to Unite a Divided Nation” appears in the first issue of The Humanistic Psychologist for 2023. Using context-centered and person-centered therapies to unite a divided nation © Request Permissions Raskin, J. D. (2023). Using context-centered and person-centered therapies to unite a divided nation. The Humanistic Psychologist, 51(1), 2–14. Abstract President Biden… Continue reading

Chapter on Challenges Facing DSM Alternatives Published

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Theoretical Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model of Mental Disorder Labeling: Contemporary Frameworks, Taxonomies, and Models

My chapter, “Challenges facing alternatives to the DSM,” has been published in a new volume on theoretical alternatives to the psychiatric model of diagnosis. Challenges Facing Alternatives to the DSM Jonathan D. Raskin In Theoretical Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model of Mental Disorder Labeling: Contemporary Frameworks, Taxonomies, and Models © 2024 Ethics International Press Edited… Continue reading

Second Edition of Textbook Published

Published on: Author: Jonathan Raskin
Psychopathology and Mental Distress: Contrasting Perspectives (2nd ed.)

The second edition of my textbook, Psychopathology and Mental Distress: Contrasting Perspectives, has been published by Bloomsbury. Details here. From the publisher: Psychopathology and Mental Distress: Contrasting Perspectives (2nd ed.) offers a comprehensive overview of different approaches to the assessment and treatment of mental health. The book retains important diagnostic perspectives, including the DSM-5-TR, ICD-11 and PDM,… Continue reading