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9.2 DSM and ICD Perspectives

9.2 Diagnosing Eating Disorders in DSM-5

9.2 DSM-5: Feeding and Eating Disorders

9.2 Eating Disorders in the DSM-5


9.2 Pica

9.2 Pica

9.2 Rumination Disorder

9.3 Historical Perspectives

9.3 History of Anorexia and Bulimia

9.3 History of Eating Disorders

9.4 Biological Perspectives

9.4 The Neuroscience of Eating Disorders

9.4 Is Anorexia in Your Genes?

9.5 Psychological Perspectives

9.5 Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) for Eating Disorders

9.5 CBT for Eating Disorders

9.5 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Eating Problems

9.5 Thought Parade (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)

9.5 Narrative Therapy for Anorexia

9.6 Sociocultural Perspectives

9.6 Eating Disorders: Culture’s Role

9.6 The Battle Within Yourself: Amy Pezzente

9.6 Binge Eating

9.6 People with Eating Disorders Discuss Recovery

9.6 The Photoshop Effect (Parts 1-3)
Part 1 (Photo Doctoring with Photoshop)

Part 2: (Controversy, Including Warning Labels on Images in Fashion Magazines)

Part 3 (Peer Pressure)

9.7 Closing Thoughts

Genetic, Psychological, and Social Components of EDs