Welcome to your Fall 2019 semester!

Image result for welcome

The SUNY New Paltz Literacy team is gearing up for a great semester with you all!

Please check your New Paltz email and Blackboard for announcements and requirements for the first week of classes. For those of you just beginning your graduate program, remember that hybrid courses meet face-to-face every other week, so you’ll need to check your syllabi to see which class you are attending on campus, what you need to bring/prepare for class, and what you will need to complete for the online components of your course(s).

In addition, we are seeking two Graduate Assistants for this academic year. Please see details in the previous post for additional information and contact Dr. Duerr (duerrj@newpaltz.edu) if you’re interested.

Summer 19 Diversity Electives – New Sections

Those in need of a Diversity Elective course this summer:

Additional sections of EDS537 Issues in Multicultural Education and EDS549 Issues in Literacy for Diverse Learners are being added to the Summer 19 schedule. Please check my.newpaltz periodically throughout the week to register for either of these courses.

P.S.  Thank you to those who responded to the GoogleForm; your attention to this helped to get additional sections added.

New Lit. Candidate Orientation Location

The orientation & advising sessions for newly admitted Literacy candidates will take place in the Literacy Center (OMB102).

This is in the basement of Old Main near the vending machines and Center for Student Success.

Wed. 2/27 4:30-5:30


Thurs. 3/7 4:30-5:30

If you have not already registered, please do so using this GoogleForm. Prior to this session, please consider whether you would like to enroll as a full time graduate student (4 courses, 12 credits) or part time graduate student (2 courses, 6 credits) per Fall and Spring semesters. Candidates seeking to complete the accelerated program will be required to take courses in at least one summer term.

The Literacy Team is eager to welcome you all!  😀

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