Certification Update

Greetings! We’ve received the following guidance from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) via Chris Whitaker, our Certification Advisor. We will post more information as we receive it.

We all miss seeing you so much, and wish you well in these last few days of the semester!!

As for applying for the Emergency COVID-19 certificate:
A: These won’t be ready to be applied for until the end of May. So, candidates just need to apply for their regular certs at this point, and I’ll send out an announcement as soon as the Emergency ones are available. Start by applying for your regular Initial certificate first: https://newpaltz.edu/schoolofed/certification_infosheet.html

As for 16-week wait on processing of certificates posted on the TEACH System:
A: NYSED will expedite the Emergency COVID-19 certificate applications first, so they will be processed faster. Just remember candidates have to apply for and be recommended for a regular certificate first before their Emergency COVID-19 certificate will be issued.

As for requesting an exemption of the edTPA and taking the ATS-W safety net instead:
A:  The dean’s office is working on a survey for candidates to request to take the ATS-W safety net test instead, and we’ll send this out as soon as it’s ready to roll out.

As for when to take the tests:
A: Candidates have one year under the Emergency COVID-19 certificate to take the tests once the NYSTCE/Pearson test centers open again.

As for the School Leadership exam results needed for graduation:
A: The SBL/SDL exam results will not be required for Spring and Summer 2020 CAS program completion. Under the Emergency COVID 19 certificate, School Leadership candidates will have 1 year to finish the SBL/SDL and EAS exams.

As for a narrated PowerPoint on the certification process:
A: My talented Graduate Assistant Sam McKillop has created one for you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RKEGDirKDVidlqIHBmC7cKwO8g8oKP2X/view

Updated guidance concerning certification examinations and the creation of an Emergency COVID-19 certificate: http://www.nysed.gov/college-university-evaluation/news/certification-examination-guidance-new-york-state-registered

NYSED has also created a special webpage with information about the Emergency COVID-19 certificate: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/certificate/covid19-emergency.html

Wishing you well, Chris


Chris Whitaker
Certification Advisor
School of Education, SUNY New Paltz

Updated answers to most of your certification questions:

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