Registration for Summer & Fall 2020

Registration for graduate classes for summer and fall begins Monday, April 13. Here are a few reminders:


Register for SUMMER classes via — there is no Google Form to complete. YOU MUST REGISTER YOURSELF. Something to keep in mind: EDS classes in particular (EDS 537 & 549) fill up quickly, so sign up as soon as possible! Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis for the summer semester. Here’s that link again to info for all things summer related.

FALL 2020

Register for FALL classes by completing this Google Form. If you aren’t 100% sure what classes you’re supposed to take next, consult the advising documents on our website — go to “Advising” >> “Literacy B-6/5-12 Course Descriptions & Schedule Options,” or ask your advisor.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions! In the meantime, we continue to be impressed by your professionalism and creativity as we navigate these uncertain times, together. Wishing you a productive week of literacy teaching and learning!
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