(for Glenn’s international media hits from prior to 2019, click here)
The Internationalization of Glenn’s Work
I’ve been fortunate to have much of my work either (a) translated into other languages, (b) cited in a variety of non-English speaking outlets, and (c) featured in the media of other English-speaking nations.
My work has been translated and/or covered in the following (35+) languages:
Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Cantonese, Czechoslovakian, Croatian, Danish Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, German, Georgian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Western Frisian
Media outlets in the following nations (50+) have covered my work:
Albania, Argentina, Australia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Dubai, Egypt, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Ghana, Georgia, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kurdistan, Lithuania, Mexico, Nairobi, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, Vietnam
See list below:
- My idea of Positive Evolutionary Psychology is the focal point of a podcast hosted by Prosocial World on March 16 (12pm, EST)
- My thoughts on cross-generational communication were quoted in this piece found in Bored Panda (Lithuania)
- My thoughts on the psychology of betrayal are cited in this Bored Panda article (Lithuania)
- My thoughts on the evolution of happiness are cited in this Spanish article for Substack
- My thoughts on the benefits of failure are cited in this Vietnamese article for Tamlyhoc
- My thoughts on interviewing people for scientific jobs were included in this article in (UK) Nature
- My thoughts on relationships were summarized in this article for the French version of Parents
- My thoughts on the distinction between public and private personas were summarized in this article for Bored Panda (Lithuanian)
- My thoughts on the evolution of happiness were summarized in this article for the Spanish Substack: Participes
- My thoughts on brain temperature and aggression were summarized in this Vietnamese article for vegiagoc.com
- My thoughts on relationships were summarized in this French article for Aufeminin
- My thoughts on relationships were summarized in this article for the French version of Cosmopolitan
- One of my Psychology Today articles was translated into Spanish and reposted here.
- My thoughts on relationships were summarized in this French article for MSN
- My thoughts on relationships were included in this article in Bored Panda (Lithuanian)
- My ideas on relationships were summarized in this Polish article for TwoJStyle
- My ideas on the psychology of novel foods are cited in this article for (Lithuanian) Bored Panda
- My thoughts on the psychology of fear are cited in this (Lithuanian) article for Bored Panda
- My ideas on the psychology of fear are summarized in this (Indonesian) article for Lupitan6
- My ideas on balancing research and administration are summarized in this article for Nature (UK)
- My ideas on balancing research and administration are summarized in this article for Academica Group (Canada)
- My ideas on measuring parenting styles were summarized in this Norwegian article for Psykologisk.no
- My ideas on “dark parenting” were summarized in this Norwegian article for Psykologisk.no
- My ideas on failure breeding success were cited in this (Lithuanian) article for Bored Panda
- My article on descriptive statistics was translated into Spanish and reposted here for chicksgold.com
- My article on the history of evolutionary psychology was translated into Arabic and reposted here for aimoftheqaf.com
- My ideas on the psychology of failure were summarized in this piece published by Goalcast
- My ideas on the importance of validating a romantic partner’s feelings were summarized in this Croatian piece for Hello Magazin
- My tutorial on descriptive statistics was translated into Spanish for this article in ChicksGold
- My ideas on the psychology of love were covered here in this Indonesian article for VOI.id
- Featured in this article on memes that can brighten one’s day for (Lithuanian) Bored Panda
- My thoughts on humor and Valentine’s gifts were covered in this article by 50 Times People Used Their Awesome Sense Of Humor To… (inkl.com) (Lithuania)
- My thoughts on transactional intimate relationships were covered in this MTVuutiset (Finnish) article
- My Times Higher Education article was featured on this page of their website–“Best-practice pedagogy for online and in-person teaching” (UK)
- My thoughts on the future of artificial intelligence were covered in this Azerbaijani article for BlogDePsicologia
- My ideas on the importance of validation in relationships were covered in this Indonesian article for Hops.id
- My Times Higher Education article on pandemic teaching was presented as a Featured Article here
- My thoughts on the downside of being overly kind are addressed in this Arabic article for mqqual
- My thoughts on the evolutionary psychology / happiness interface were covered in this Spanish article for Terra
- My thoughts on the evolution/happiness interface were summarized here in the Spanish version of GQ
- My thoughts on the psychology of personality change were covered in this French article for JeuxVideo
- Reposted here for the French source NEON
- My thoughts on the psychology of courage were covered in this LinkedIn article (published in Spanish)
- My thoughts on the psychology of personality change were covered in this Portuguese article for Delas
- Interviewed for this Bored Panda article (Lithuanian) on the topic of fiscal inequality.
- My thoughts on evolutionary psychology were summarized in Spanish here in the Mexican source, PuntoMedio
- My thoughts on relationships were summarized in this Croatian article for the media source krstarica
- Republished here for the Croatian source 24Sata
- Interviewed by Chris Walker for Canada’s CBC (national public radio) on the topic of the social psychology of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict
- Interviewed regarding my ideas on positive evolutionary psychology for the Brazilian-based Evolucionistas
- My ideas on memes geared toward Generation X were addressed in this article in the Lithuanian news outlet, Bored Panda
- My ideas on the psychology of generational themes in memes were addressed in this article in the Lithuanian news outlet, Bored Panda
- My ideas on the importance of attending classes in college were noted in this Indonesian article for IDN Times
- My ideas on the psychology of arrogance were covered in this Nigerian piece for Positive Psychology
- My ideas on personality change were summarized in this French article for NEON
- My ideas on preparing for a job interview were covered in this (Indian) article for the Times of India
- My work on Neanderthal personalities was covered in this article by the Czechoslovakian source, DOTYK
- My ideas on the psychology of biased thinking were covered in this article in the Pakastani media outlet, The Express Tribune
- My ideas on the psychology of wholesomeness were addressed in this article in the Lithuanian news outlet, Bored Panda
- My piece on 10 ancestral rules to live by was translated into Portuguese in this article for the media source Awebic
- My ideas on the importance of mutual validation in relationships were covered in this article for the Indonesian news source, VOI
- My piece on what “all graduates need to hear” was translated into Spanish and reposted at the Mexican news source, Mira
- Thoughts on “my favorite psychology study” were reposted here in the South African media outlet, Cornerstone Institute
- My Psychology Today post on “five things to do today” was translated for Psychology Today into Spanish here.
- My ideas on aging were summarized in this article in the Lithuanian media outlet, Bored Panda
- My ideas on sex robots were summarized in this German article for Axel B. C. Krauss
- My ideas on the psychology of parenting were cited in this Brazilian (Portuguese) article for EssencialBrasileira
- My ideas on “memes” were cited in this article by the Lithuanian media outlet, Bored Panda
- My ideas on the psychology of optimism were featured in this Indonesian article for Kompas
- My ideas on equity in intimate relationships were addressed in this Finnish article for MTV–UUTISET.
- My ideas on evolutionary mismatch were highlighted in this Portuguese article for awebic.
- My thoughts on the psychology of mutual love were covered in this Indonesian article for VOI.
- My ideas on evolutionary mismatch were cited in the Persian (Farsi) version of Wikipedia here.
- My Psychology Today article on the topic of cancel culture was translated into Spanish and posted here.
- My ideas on the liabilities of artificial intelligence were summarized in this Portuguese article published for the Brasilian media outlet, Tribuna Do Norte
- My ideas on the liabilities of Artificial Intelligence were translated into French for this article in efxcialis.com
- My ideas on the liabilities of Artificial Intelligence were summarized in this English publication at localenglandtoday.com
- Slovenian article in 24ur.com citing my work on the liabilities of robots in the future.
- My thoughts on teaching during the pandemic were covered in this Chinese article for 163.com
- My work on values within academia was covered in this French article for Le Point
- My Psychology Today article on 5 reasons that psychology matters was translated into Spanish and republished in the Spanish version of the magazine’s website.
- My thoughts on how to ace a job interview were summarized in this article for the Indian publication, Times of India
- My article on the dark side of civilization was translated here into Spanish for Psychology Today
- My thoughts on the importance of validation in relationships were covered in this Turkish article for Onedio
- My thoughts on how to have a good day were translated into Arabic and published in this article for alarabinuk.com
- My Psychology Today article on feeling unloved was translated into Spanish and republished in the Spanish version of the Psychology Today website
- My ideas on the benefits of a college education were summarized in this Spanish article for preguntas.xyz
- My ideas on evolutionarily informed life rules were summarized in this Iranian article for betterchoice.ir
- My Psychology Today post about feeling unloved was translated for the Spanish version of Psychology Today.
- My ideas on infidelity were summarized in this Spanish article for Educactivos
- My ideas on “othering” were summarized in this Korean article posted by Brunch
- My ideas on parenting were summarized in this Taiwanese article for TWGreatDaily
- Interviewed by Nathan Rose (of Australia) for this podcast on positive evolutionary psychology (for the Metagenics Institute)
- My ideas on myths regarding evolutionary psychology were summarized here in Hungarian for the source Divany
- My ideas on how to succeed at a job interview were summarized in Arabic here for nafseyati.com
- My ideas on the “fun” personality were summarized in Arabic in this article for iqr2.com
- My ideas on the psychology of insecurity were mentioned in this Bosnian article produced for Hocu
- reposted at here for the Bosnian source, Ultra.ba
- My article on 6 surprising psychological findings was translated into Portuguese and published here in Activa
- My ideas on the evolutionary psychology of fear were summarized in this French article for Leenkus
- My article on multiple life paths toward success was translated into Croatian for this article for Miss7
- My work on the evolutionary psychology of the emotions served as the basis for this Arabic article for annajah.net
- Cited extensively in this Thai article on evolutionary psychology for today.line.me
- Multiple citations to the work of the New Paltz Evolutionary Psychology Lab for the French Wikipedia page for Evolutionary Psychology
- My Psychology Today article on two basic life paths was featured in this German article for Brigette
- reposted here for the German publication Gomoda
- My Psychology Today article on two basic life paths was summarized in this Thai article for GoDigitalPlan
- This same article was reposted for the French version of GoDigitalPlan here
- Featured on Chris Williamson’s Modern Wisdom podcast (out of the UK), speaking on the topic of Positive Evolutionary Psychology.
- My ideas on “dark parenting” were featured in this Hong Kong article (in Cantonese) for UBlog
- My ideas on acing a job interview were cited in this article for the UK publication, DigiSkynet
- My Psychology Today article on Darwin’s ideas as they can help us lead better lives was translated into Farsi and published in the Persian source, virgool.io
- My work on COVID and personality was cited in this Australian article for Quadrant
- My ideas on communal versus exchange relationships were cited in this Finnish article for MTV UUTISET
- This same story was featured in the Finnish version of MSN‘s website
- My ideas on the psychology of why clowns are scary were covered in this Indonesian article for Tasikmalaya
- My ideas on the evolutionary psychology of human fears were summarized in this Indonesian article for Tasikmalaya
- My ideas on factors that lead to happiness were covered in this Indonesian article for Kompas.com
- My work on Mating Intelligence was covered in this article, written in Western Frisian, for Blogdepsicologia
- My ideas on the social psychology of astrology were covered in this MSN article in Polish
- reproduced here in Polish for Radio ZET
- My ideas on Prisoner’s Dilemma in everyday life were summarized in this Spanish article for El Confidencial
- My Psychology Today article on rationality was cited in this Bulgarian article for Hayka OffNews
- My ideas on the power of the situation were cited in this Romanian article published for yogaesoteric.net
- My ideas on GPA were summarized in this Thai article for today.line.me
- My Psychology Today article on the split between human emotion and cognition was translated by the magazine into Spanish here
- My ideas on prosocial behavior were summarized in this Arabic article for kuntent.com
- My ideas on brain-cooling mechanisms and aggression were cited in this Vietnamese article for Vietgiatri.com
- Cited in this Arabic article on personal development for kuntent.com
- Cited in this Turkish article on the mental health / urbanization connection (for uplifers.com)
- My thoughts on the evolutionary psychology of sex robots were addressed in this Persian article in varune.com
- Featured in interview for Canadian public radio (CBC) “Sickboy” podcast; topic pertained to our evolved social psychological biases
- My invited article titled Storm Clouds and Silver Linings of the Pandemic (Times Higher Education; UK) was featured in this YouTube clip
- My ideas on the human need for nature were summarized in this Romanian article published by Adri Bratu
- My ideas regarding the relationship between ambient temperature and aggressive behavior were summarized in the French publication NEON
- Also republished in French version of MSN.com
- My Psychology Today article on silver linings associated with the pandemic was selected as the April 2021 article of choice by the UK‘s Hollingsworth Counseling site
- My Psychology Today article on five strategies to navigate life’s difficulties was republished in Portuguese in Activa
- My ideas on surprising findings in psychology were translated into Chinese and covered in myfreelife.cn
- My Psychology Today blog post on dark parenting was translated for the Spanish version of Psychology Today
- My ideas on surprising findings from psychology were translated into Portuegese and published in Activa
- My work on the dark triad was translated into Hungarian and published in this article for Divanay
- My Psychology Today blog post on borderline personality was translated into Turkish and reposted for Psychology Turkey
- Featured in this Hungarian article (translated from Ashley Abramson’s Medium article) on evolutionary mismatch for the new site Tenyek es Tevhitek
- Featured in this article on Mother’s Day for the Spanish publication, El Confidencial
- Featured in article on Dry January for Chinese website, feat.com
- My ideas on intimate relationships were mentioned in this Estonian article published by banchoryeastchurg.org
- My ideas on how to have a better day today were summarized in Turkish in this article published for atmhaber.com
- My ideas on evolutionary psychology were mentioned on this French Wikipedia page.
- My ideas on how to have a better day today were summarized in this Portuguese article in Activa
- My ideas on extraversion were featured in this German article published by Warum-Wieso.de
- My Psychology Today article on the psychology of outrage was translated into Turkish and reposted for Psychology Turkey
- My work on emotional intelligence was covered in this Indonesian article for the news source Kompasiana
- Translations of my work into Turkish were mentioned in this article in the Turkish news source TheMagger
- My Psychology Today article on the evolutionary psychology of betrayal was translated into Turkish and republished for Psychology Turkey
- My Psychology Today article the presents a test of COVID knowledge was translated into Turkish and republished for Psychology Turkey
- My work on the topic of greed was cited in this Polish article published in Gazeta Prawna
- My work on politics within academia was covered in this Australian article in Best Hindi Tech
- My work on politics within academia was covered in this Australian article in The Daily Telegraph
- Interviewed by Andrew Bolt on Sky News Australia (Australian) regarding my work on politics in academia
- My ideas on the topic of awe were covered in this Bulgarian article in Framar
- My work on human mating was mentioned in this Spanish article in Yahoo Noticias
- Quoted in this Icelandic article on the topic of human mating published in banchoryeastchurg.org
- My Psychology Today article on grading in university was translated into Turkish and reposted here at psychologyturkey.com
- Presenting my thoughts on the idea of easing COVID restrictions for (Russian) Russia Today International television
- My thoughts on the psychology of othering in politics were cited in this article for NBC News that was reposted in the Indian news site, News Deal
- My thoughts on the evolutionary psychology of forgiveness were translated into Indonesian and reposted here at the media site Kompasiana
- My thoughts on 20 lessons from 2020 were published in this Albanian article in Tirana Today
- Cited as a primary representative of evolutionary psychology in this Spanish article for Cultura Evoluciona
- Interviewed for Russia Today International here with my thoughts regarding the Russian version of the COVID vaccine
- My ideas on the silver linings of 2020 were summarized in this Polish article for rmfclassic.pl
- My ideas on the evolutionary psychology of stress were summarized in this Indonesian article for MediaIndonesia
- My work on being happy with your lot was covered in this article for the Australian outlet, Dr. Happy
- My article on the psychology of jerks was reposted here for the Korean news outlet, Brunch
- My thoughts on the contextual nature of behavior was described in this article in the UK‘s The Customer
- This article was reposted here in the UK‘s Free Radical
- My Psychology Today article on cybersmiling was translated into Albanian and covered in this article for Gazetasi
- My ideas on introversion/extraversion were summarized in this article in the Chinese publication Mars Translator
- My work on politics in academia was summarized in this article in The Federalist (UK)
- Included in discussion on COVID pandemic as it relates to Thanksgiving for Russia Today International TV
- Included in panel discussion on COVID pandemic for Russia Today International TV
- My thoughts on avoiding ad hominem attacks are summarized in this Italian article published at ichi.pro
- My Psychology Today article on being happy what you have was translated into Russian and republished in Hashtap.com
- Quoted in this Bulgarian article on the psychology of music for framar.bg
- My Psychology Today article on politics in academia was translated into Spanish and republished here in Medium
- My Psychology Today article on the United States as a divided nation was translated into Portuguese and republished in the Brasilian news source Ciencianautus
- A review of my book Positive Evolutionary Psychology (with Nicole Wedberg) was translated into Italian and published here for Paleo Advisor
- My ideas on apologizing were covered in in this article in Canada’s publication, The Pigeon
- My work was cited in this article about research psychology published in the Georgian outlet, EON.GE
- My Psychology Today article on the benefits of evolutionary psychology has been translated into Spanish and reposted by the ibidem group
- My Psychology Today article on the Parental Analytical Style Scale was translated into Norwegian and republished in the Norwegian psychology newspaper, Psykologisk.no (co-owned by the Norwegian Society for Psychological Science
- My Psychology Today article on living an ancestral-based lifestyle was translated into Portuguese and republished in awebic.com
- My Psychology Today article on why evolutionary psychology is so controversial was translated into Arabic and published in juhaina.in
- Republished in nabd.com
- My thoughts on the psychology of attraction were cited in an article in the French publication Trendy Daddy
- My article on the evolutionary psychology of arrogance was translated into Slovenian and reprinted in najdi.si
- Quoted in this article on the topic of the behavioral immune system for the Arabic publication, Turkuaz Post
- My ideas on communal versus exchange relationships in marriage were translated and covered in the Korean media source, brunch.co.kr
- My ideas on the psychology of frenemies were summarized in this article in the Australian publication, mumlyfe.com
- My ideas on the psychology of kindness were summarized in this article in the Arabic publication, mqqal.com
- My ideas on the behavioral immune system were summarized in this article in the Arabic publication annajah.net
- My ideas on self-actualization were translated into Hebrew and summarized for the Israeli publication, Knowledge Production
- Interviewed for Radio New Zealand on topic of Corona virus (New Zealand)
- My and Scott Barry Kaufman’s work on mating intelligence was cited in an article on the psychology of smiling in the Spanish version of Yahoo News
- My article on gratitude was translated into Spanish for Traductor Jurado
- An article of mine on evoluitionary mismatch was republished for the Singaporean pulblication, incontact.com
- This interview with Ashley Abramson (originally pubilshed for Elemental/Medium) was translated into Czech and republished for Warengo
- Some of my thoughts on parenting were summarized in this Indonesian article for Haibunda
- My Psychology Today article on exchange versus communal relationships was summarized and translated into Finnish for MTV UUTISET
- Interviewed and featured in this article Our Brains are Stuck in the Stone Age for Elemental (Medium) by Ashley Abramson
- reposted and translated into French for supportivy.com
- My work on attachment in intimate relationships is mentioned in this Thai article in iStrong
- My summary of Marianne Brandon’s work on sex robots was presented in this article in Kompas (Indonesia)
- 2019
- My Psychology Today article on evolutionary irony was translated into Chinese and republished for qq’s news site.
- My Psychology Today article on things to be thankful for was translated into Portuguese and republished in fas da psicanalise
- My ideas on the adverse effects of cell phone use were covered in this Mexican news article for radioforumula.com.mx
- My ideas on the adverse effects of cell phone use were covered in this article in the Spanish news source Diario Noticias Web
- My ideas on the adverse effects of cell phone use were covered in this article for the African version of Business Daily
- My ideas on the adverse effects of cell phone use were covered in this Turkish article for Sat7TurkHaber
- My ideas on the psychology of anger were featured in this Vietnamese article for vegiacok.com
- My work on the adverse effects of cell phone use was featured in this article in Nairobi’s NewsZetu
- My work on the psychology of estrangements was featured in this article for Australia’s The World News
- Cited in this Christian Post article on the overuse of cell phones
- This article was translated into Spanish for TonoGospel.com
- This article was translated into Chinese for Chinese Christian Post
- Featured on the topics of failure and success for the UK‘s My Perfect Failure podcast.
- Psychology Today blog post on forgiveness was covered in this Indonesian article for Media Indonesia
- Psychology Today blog post that I hosted (authored by Marianne Brandon and James Simon) was translated into Croatian and reposted at 24sata
- My ideas on the current mental health crisis were featured in this article in the Spanish publication, La Gaceta Cristiana
- Interviewed for The Dissenter (of Portugal) on my new book, Positive Evolutionary Psychology
- My ideas on best practices in interviewing were covered in this article in inc.com
- This article was translated into French for this article in fane.tech
- My advice on interviewing was featured in this article (Indian) for the Times of India
- My ideas on best practices in interviewing were covered in this article in the Mexican news source, radioforumula.com.mx (Spanish)
- My Psychology Today article on 10 interesting findings from psychology was translated and presented in the Russian media source псиблог.рф
- Interviewed on international radio show for Edmonton‘s CHED (AM 660) on topic of the advent of sex robots (with J’Lyn Nye)
- Interviewed on international radio show for Toronto‘s Global News radio (AM 640) on topic of the advent of sex robots (with Peter Shurman)
- My work on the psychology of apologies was summarized and featured in the French website of MSN
- My work on the psychology of estrangements was summarized and featured in the Spanish media source marthadebayle.com
- and it was the centerpiece of an episode of the corresponding Mexican radio show, linked here.
- My work on the psychology of estrangements was summarized and featured in an article in the Spanish version of GQ
- My Psychology Today post on the dark side of cell phone use was reported in an article in Dutch in the Netherlands news source www.welingelichtekringen.nl
- My work on mating intelligence was cited in an article in the Indian news source Intasari
- My ideas on the psychology of rejection were cited in an Italian article for the news source psychology-ifk
- My ideas on the psychology of sex robots were summarized in an article in the Romanian news source, 4Gmedia
- My ideas on the psychology of sex robots were summarized in an article in the Polish news source, EXU
- An article in the magazine for Fodor’s Travel that featured my ideas on why it is cold on planes was translated into Vietnamese and was reposted for mothegioi.vn
- This article was translated into Vietnamese and was reposted for zing.bangnam.com
- My work on the connection between emotional intelligence and creativity was summarized in this Italian article published in Portale Bambini
- My research on the personality of Neanderthals was summarized in this Spanish article posted in Paleontologia Geral
- Interviewed by Danielle Smith related to my Psychology Today article on sex robots. Calgary, AM 770, CHQR
- My Psychology Today article on natural living and economic inequality was used as an exemplar and was translated into Spanish and on the site for Spain’s ibidem group
- My ideas on the importance of never giving up were quoted and translated into Indonesian for the news source KlikDokter
- My Psychology Today article on narcissism was translated into Portueguese and republished in Psicologia Para Todos
- Quoted in this Chinese news story on the effects of negativity in parenting (for qq news)
- Quoted in this article on the topic of online dating in the UK‘s metro.co.uk
- My Psychology Today article on cats and dogs was translated into Portuegese and published for the Brasilian news site, Psicologo Para Todos
- My Psychology Today article on infidelity was translated into Portuegese and published for the Brasilian news site, Psicologo Para Todos
- My Psychology Today article on balancing theory and personality traits was translated into Turkish and reposted in e-cok
- My work on ad hominem attacks was summarized in this Turkish article, Ad Hominem argümanlardan niçin kaçınmalıyız?, published with Yeniyuzyil.
- Interviewed on the topic of evolutionary psychology for Portuguese podcast The Dissenter (Ricardo Lopes)
- Cited in Sunday Times Magazine of London article, Madison James Interview: Why this ‘sexual development consultant’ is in high demand (pdf)
- Quoted in this article on the topic of phobias – published in Croatian by Ezadar
- Quoted in this article on the topic of Instagram published in Dutch by Het Laatste Nieuws
- Quoted in this article on the topic of Instagram – published in Dutch by Spiritueel Boeddha
- My Psychology Today article on 10 surprising psychological findings was translated into Vietnamese and republished for YBOX.vn
- My ideas on reasons for optimism in life were summarized in this Indonesian article on The Lego Movie found in the media source HaiBunda.com
- My Psychology Today article titled How Narcissistic are You? was translated into Vietnamese and reposted in tiuudao.online.
- My ideas on creativity were translated into Croatian and summarized in an article for zabavninet
(for Glenn’s international media hits from prior to 2019, click here)