
Glenn’s Personal Page (as of June 9, 2024, this page is in the process of updating)


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Guitarist in Questionable Authorities

Check us out at Snugs on Youtube

Running — 5 days a week … rain, snow, or shine. Check out this photo of JP, Droo, Petra, and me after the Trail’s End marathon; back in my Oregon days!

• Here are some pictures from the Cape Cod Times marathon (February 27, 2000):

Approaching the finish line!
My time.
Murphy and me after the race. Doubt I come close to that time ever again!

Here’s a link to the race results from the 2005 Dutchess County Classic Marathon — check out who took first place in my category! Good thing for only four runners in the category!

• Weightlifting — it’s fun, really!

• Skiing — downhill and cross country … I sure do miss skiing in Oregon

• Hiking — I love the back country — woods, mountains, rivers, lakes … My favorite hiking coast-to-coast is in Acadia.

• Locally, the Mohonk Preserve is tough to beat.

• Click HERE for a story published in the Poughkeepsie Journal about a hike with my mom!

• Click HERE for a story I published in the Husson College publication Crosscut — it’s about a great snowshoe adventure in Maine.

• Fishing — bass fishing in particular.

• Travel

• Cooking — you should try my beer fondue!
… not to mention my Potato Pancakes!

• UNLESS, of course, you buy into the dietary implications of the Caveman Diet suggested by Evolutionary Psychology (as I do).

Flat Stanley

• Making Mad Libs for my kids — click HERE for Megan’s Mad Libs page with free printable Mad Libs!



Peanut is SO SORELY MISSED by many … (click HERE for Peanut’s online memorial)

… and here is Murphy’s memorial.


Thanks to Vic Savicki and several psychology students of Western Oregon University for the general design of this page.