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13.1 DSM and ICD Perspectives

13.1 What is a Disruptive Behavior Disorder?

13.2 ADHD

13.2 Autism Spectrum Disorder

13.2 Removing Asperger’s from the DSM

13.3 Historical Perspectives

13.3 History of ADHD

13.3 The Forgotten History of Autism

13.4 Biological Perspectives

13.4 ADHD: Behavioral Disorder or Brain Disorder?

13.4 How ADHD Affects Your Brain

13.4 Amphetamine

13.4 Is ADHD an Advantage?

13.4 Autism: What We Know (and What We Don’t Know)

13.5 Psychological Perspectives

13.5 Behavior Therapy for ADHD

13.5 Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Discrete Trial Training (DTT) for Children on the Autism Spectrum

13.6 Sociocultural Perspectives

13.6 Environmental Factors and Developmental Issues

13.6 The Gift of ADHD

13.6 The World Needs All Kinds of Minds: Temple Grandin

13.6 The Stigma of Autism