Writing and Rhetoric Integrity Statement
Writing & Rhetoric Portfolio Checklist
A self-assessment of your writing this semester and the selected assignments for the portfolio; this may be formatted as a letter to the reader or larger audience viewing your Hawksites web page; (a specific and reflective cover letter)
1 major assignment (may be a portfolio as a graded project, or another type of project is such as a major research essay or multi-genre assignment written and revised outside of class. This must include one research project with an argument or analysis focus and MLA documentation plus Works Cited page.
Two small assignments that lead into the above major assignment or project to show development through the writing process.
Table of contents (optional; specific assignment references and titles should be included as part of the cover letter)
*The portfolio MAY contain an extra essay, in-class writings, or project but this is only encouraged if the student has misplaced another required assignment, or if the instructor is requiring other elements for the website.
*The individual assessment sheet (student, instructor, and reader’s name; oral component met) should be completed and submitted to the instructor on the last day of class.
Submit this form to your instructor if you choose to give permission to use materials anonymously (optional):
I give permission to my instructor or to the English Department to reproduce or use my writings for instructor training or research purposes. I understand that I will not be identified in any way, that my participation is voluntary, and that I may withdraw my permission, in writing, at any time.
ACT Yes _____No SK
Academic Integrity Statement (required):
The works submitted in this portfolio maintain academic integrity and do not violate the plagiarism statement from the SUNY New Paltz Faculty Handbook. I understand that any breech of academic integrity may result in failure for the assignment and/or course, and that the instructor maintains the right to report such cases.
Student’s Full Name: Simon O. Keene Date: 05/9/2023