

  • Individual marketing: service customization and personalization, decision making, role of recommendation agents in building learning relationships.
  • Services marketing: value, trust, switching barriers, loyalty.
  • Cross-cultural issues in consumer research.


Shen, Anyuan and Shuguang Liu (2024), “Effect of Stress Coping Strategies on Comfort Foods Consumption: Evidence from Older Americans,” British Food Journal, 126 (6), 2349-2362.

Shen, Anyuan and Surinder Tikoo (2021), “Family Business Identity, Consumer Product Evaluations, and Firm Size,” Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30 (7), 937-948.

Shen, Anyuan (2020), “Aging, PEOU, and Adoption of Communication Technology,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37 (2), 139-147.

Shen, Anyuan (2019), “Marketing Preventive Health to Baby Boomers: What if Unhealthy Lifestyles are Attributable to the Counterculture?” Journal of Macromarketing, 39 (2), 151-165.

Shen, Anyuan (2019), “Religious Attendance, Healthy Lifestyles, and Perceived Health: A Comparison of Baby Boomers with the Silent Generation,” Journal of Religion and Health, 58 (4), 1235-1245.

Shen, Anyuan (2016), “First-Year Donation Behavior and Risk of Supporter Lapse,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 21 (3), pp. 212-224.

Shen, Anyuan and Shuguang Liu (2016), “Asymmetric dominance and the stability of constructed preferences,” Judgment and Decision Making, 11 (3), pp. 213-222.

Shen, Anyuan (2014), “Recommendations as Personalized Marketing: Insights from Customer Experiences,” Journal of Services Marketing, 28 (5), pp. 414-427.

Shen, Anyuan and A. Dwayne Ball (2011), “Preference Stability Belief as a Determinant of Response to Personalized Recommendations,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10 (2), pp. 71-79.

Shen, Anyuan and Chih-Yang Tsai (2010), “Are Single-Gift Donors Different from their Multiple-Gift Counterparts? A Longitudinal Approach to the Giving Behaviors of Committed Donors,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 15 (August), pp. 253-264.

Shen, Anyuan and A. Dwayne Ball (2009), “Customer Perceptions and Sustained Usageof Recommender Systems,” Internationbal Journal of Electronic Business, 7 (6), pp. 642-663.

Shen, Anyuan and A. Dwayne Ball (2009), “Is Personalization of Services Always a Good Thing? Exploring the role of technology-mediated personalization (TMP) in service relationships,” Journal of Services Marketing, 23 (2), pp. 79-91.


Shen, Anyuan (2023), “‘Masal u Brucha’ and a Handshake: The Marketing Channel of Diamonds,” in Cases in Integrated Marketing Communications, edited by Susan K. Jones, J. Steven Kelly, and Jessica Sanborn, published by Jacobs & Clevengers Case Writers’ Workshop

Shen, Anyuan (2020), “Santa Fe Conservation Trust,” with Blodwen Tarter and Matthew Sauber, in The IMC Case Book, 2nd Ed, edited by Susan K. Jones and J. Steven Kelly, published by Jacobs & Clevengers Case Writers’ Workshop.

Shen, Anyuan (2020), “Philips Lifeline: Technology for Independent Living,” in The IMC Case Book, 2nd Ed, edited by Susan K. Jones and J. Steven Kelly, published by Jacobs & Clevengers Case Writers’ Workshop.

Shen, Anyuan (2018), “PG&E: Marketing Energy Efficiency Programs for Businesses,” with Blodwen Tarter, Matthew Sauber, Mary Beth McCabe, in The IMC Sourcebook: Readings and Cases in Integrated Marketing Communications, edited by Susan K. Jones and J. Steven Kelly, published by Midwest Marketing Education.