What is NPLC?
New Paltz Leadership Conference (NPLC) is an event made to model what it would be like to be at a regional conference. Here we encourage students to attend multiple programming tracks, so that they can learn how to better program in their own halls. This conference is also a great networking opportunity, since you will be interacting and attending programs with leaders from all over the campus. Of course, a regional conference is done on a much larger scale and it is impossible to get everything that comes with a regional conference, so hopefully NPLC will make you want to apply. NPLC is a leadership conference for everyone living on campus to come out and meet people that you would not have known otherwise, show off your hall’s spirit, learn how to be the best leader you can be and most importantly have fun! We hope to see you there!
This year’s conference will be held in the Spring 2024, and the theme is TBA.
Check out last year’s packet for more information!
You can earn GFPs for your hall by submitting programs!
Submit a program for NPLC here