Detailed information pertaining to elections will be updated here as it becomes relevant. If you would like general information, please refer to our Constitution. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a current Executive Board member.
Anyone who accepts their nomination must complete the Candidate Application and the Candidate Form and hand it in to the RHSA office or one meeting before your scheduled election. You MUST provide 15 copies of the Candidate Application, which includes a copy of your personal resume and answers to several questions. You MUST also provide an unofficial transcript and one Candidate Form to be seen only by the President of the RHSA E-Board to verify your good academic standing.
The election schedule is as follows (but is subject to change):
*The election schedule was last updated on Monday, January, 27 2025*
Position | Application Due | Election |
National Communications Coordinator (NCC) | 2/24/2025 | 3/3/2025 |
President | 3/3/2025 | 3/10/2025 |
Vice President | 3/10/2025 | 3/24/2025 |
Treasurer | 3/24/2025 | 3/31/2025 |
Secretary | 3/31/2025 | 4/7/2025 |
Public Relations Officer | 4/7/2025 | 4/14/2025 |
Campus Communications Coordinator (CCC) | 4/14/2025 | 4/21/2025 |
Historian | 4/21/2025 | 4/28/2025 |
Anyone can run who meets the following criteria (as outlined in Article 8, Section 1, Subsection A of the constitution):
- Must have lived on campus for at least 2 full semesters (Finishing this semester is counted)
- Must be a full time student
- Serve on a Hall Government for at least one (1) semester;
- Must be in good academic and judicial standing –Good Academic Standing is defined as a 2.6 G.P.A or better
However, in order to run for the position of President you must have been on the Executive Board before. If these criteria are not met by any nominees, anyone may run for the position regardless if they meet the additional criteria.
If a candidate meets the above requirements, they must do the following in order to run for a position on the Executive Board (as outlined in Article 8, Section 1, Subsection B)
- Accept a nomination by someone at an Associate Council meeting (nomination must be seconded)
- Meet with the Executive Board member currently serving in their position.
- Read the Constitution
- Complete a Candidate Application & Candidate Form by the appropriate deadline
Elections will take place based on the schedule above. During which candidates will have to:
- Make a speech that can last up to 3 minutes
- Complete a question and answer session that can last up to 5 minutes & is extendable
Download the Candidate Application and the Candidate Form