Constitution of the Phi Psi Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary at the State University of New York at New Paltz
Article I: Name
- This organization shall be entitled the Phi Psi Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary at the State University of New York at New Paltz.
Article II: Affiliation
- The Phi Psi Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary at the State University of New York at New Paltz is a member of the North East Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (NEACURH), under the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Incorporated (NACURH, Inc.).
Article III: Purpose
- Vision Statement
- The National Residence Hall Honorary strives to unite a community of distinguished members who embody the values through a lifelong commitment to the honorary.
- Mission Statement
- As an honorary, NRHH provides a dynamic leadership experience by promoting recognition and service. Through this, NRHH chapters offer our members diverse avenues to grow and succeed in the residence halls and as engaged members in their communities.
Article IV: Values
- NRHH is a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition and service.
Article V: Membership
- There shall be four types of membership in the Phi Psi Chapter, consisting of candidate, on-campus, off-campus, and lifelong membership.
- Candidate Membership
- The Candidate Member is a pre-membership status in which the student has shown interest through intent to become an NRHH member.
- The Candidate Member must submit the following to the chapter to confirm pre-membership status:
- One (1) application
- Two (2) letters of recommendation
- If the Candidate Member is to be inducted into the Phi Psi chapter and become an On-Campus Member, they must be educated on the following topics:
- NRHH Constitution
- OTM’s
- Member Expectations
- The President and NCC will be responsible for creating a Welcome Guide to educate Candidate Members on the topics outlined in Article V, Section 3.
- Before a Candidate Member can be inducted, they must meet the following requirements:
- A Candidate Member seeking induction must be a full-time student at the State University of New York at New Paltz.
- At the time of induction, the inductee must have at least a 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
- Candidate Member must currently live on campus and has lived on campus for at least one semester.
- Candidate Member must have made positive contributions to the residence hall system through engagement with the values of service and recognition.
- Once a Candidate Member has met all NACURH and chapter requirements, they will be eligible for induction.
- On-Campus Membership
- The On-Campus Member is a Phi Psi Chapter member who lives on campus and meets all chapter and NACURH membership qualifications.
- On-Campus Members must meet the following requirements to maintain their membership:
- The On-Campus Member must be a full-time student at the State University of New York at New Paltz.
- The On-Campus Member must maintain at least a 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
- The On-Campus Member must currently live in a residence hall.
- Temporary leaves from on-campus housing, such as, but not limited to, internships, student teaching, or study abroad will result in the On-Campus Member becoming an Off-Campus Member.
- The Off-Campus Member will become an On-Campus Member if they return to on-campus housing.
- Temporary leaves from on-campus housing, such as, but not limited to, internships, student teaching, or study abroad will result in the On-Campus Member becoming an Off-Campus Member.
- The On-Campus Member must continue to make a positive contribution to the residence hall community through engagement with the values of service and recognition.
- An On-Campus Member will be required to complete tasks on a checklist created by the Executive Board each semester. The checklist is subject to change each semester.
- Probationary members are On-Campus Members who have not completed all of the tasks on the checklist. These members must complete additional checklist requirements in order to remain in the chapter. If they do not complete the checklist items for a second semester, they will be considered for removal from the chapter at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- Off-Campus Membership
- The Off-Campus Member is a Phi Psi Chapter member who does not live in on-campus housing as listed in Article V, Section III and meets the chapter and NACURH membership qualifications.
- Off-Campus Members must meet the following requirements to maintain their membership:
- The Off-Campus Member must be a full-time student at the State University of New York at New Paltz.
- The Off-Campus Member must complete the Off-Campus Membership Pledge before moving off campus.
- The pledge can be found on the NACURH website.
- The Off-Campus Member must maintain at least a 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
- The Off-Campus Member must continue to make a positive contribution to their community through engagement with the values of service and recognition.
- Off-Campus Members may not hold Executive Board positions.
- Off-Campus Members do not have voting rights.
- Off-Campus Members do not count towards to the membership cap.
- Lifelong Membership
- A Lifelong Member is a Phi Psi Chapter member that is no longer affiliated with the State University of New York at New Paltz as a student due to either graduation or a discontinuation of education.
- Anyone who leaves the Phi Psi Chapter and the State University of New York at New Paltz in good standing will become a Lifelong Member.
- To be considered in good standing, the individual must have completed all checklist requirements and have at least a 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
- By becoming a Lifelong Member, the member would have to uphold the life long commitment to the NRHH values or recognition and service.
- Lifelong Members may participate in chapter-specific activities at the discretion of the Phi Psi Chapter.
- Honorary Award Process
- An Honorary Award is designed to recognize those who have demonstrated outstanding support and service to students who live in residence halls. This may include, but is not limited to, housing personnel, instructors, and college or university staff.
- Individuals who could qualify for membership, including first term students, with the exception of those graduating in the current academic term, cannot be given an Honorary Award.
- The maximum number of Honorary Awards which may be given in a year is equal to the number of regional affiliates within NACURH.
- Honorary Awards will be given out by the following process:
- The President will call for nominations for the Honorary Award during the selection meeting.
- Members who nominated individuals for the Honorary Award will give a brief explanation of how the nominee demonstrates NRHH’s values.
- After discussion, the President will close the floor.
- Voting will be completed by a closed-eye, hands-raised vote.
- The individuals with the most votes will be given the Honorary Award.
- It is up to the discretion of the Phi Psi Chapter how many Honorary Awards will be given out each semester.
- In the event of a tie, a vote will be held between the individuals who tied.
- This vote can occur three times.
- If each round of voting remains inconclusive, the President will act as a tiebreaker.
- Membership Capacity
- The total active membership of a chapter may include up to, but not more than, 1% of the total residence hall population that year, or 20 members, whichever is larger. The total 1% membership does not include Lifelong Members, Off-Campus Members, or Candidate Members.
- On-Campus Housing is defined as the following buildings on the SUNY New Paltz campus: Bevier Hall, Bliss Hall, Bouton Hall, Capen Hall, College/Shango Hall, Crispell Hall, Deyo Hall, DuBois Hall, Esopus Hall, Gage Hall, LeFevre Hall, Lenape Hall, Ridgeview Hall, or Scudder Hall.
- Anyone living in any of these residence halls is considered to be a part of the on-campus, or residence hall, population.
- Member Removal Policy
- The Removal Policy may be enacted if a member can no longer meet the chapter membership expectations.
- If a member is removed, they no longer count towards the 1% membership cap.
- If a member is removed, they do not become a Lifelong Member.
- The following guidelines apply to the procedure for the removal of an On-Campus Member:
- The member must complete the NRHH Member Removal Application.
- This form can be obtained from the region’s ADNRHH.
- The form must include the electronic signatures of the chapter President and chapter Advisor.
- This form must be submitted electronically.
- The completed Member Removal application shall be submitted to the region’s ADNRHH for approval.
- The member must complete the NRHH Member Removal Application.
- The amount of members for removal is up to the discretion of the Executive Board.
- It is the right of the region’s ADNRHH to deny requests for removal for reasons including, but not limited to:
- Submission of an incomplete application form.
- The region’s ADNRHH does not believe that sufficient measures have been taken by the chapter to address the member’s inactivity or ineligibility within the chapter prior to submission of the application.
- If the member wishes to appeal the decision, they may appeal to the Regional ADNRHH through written request as to why the Candidate deserves to continue as a member of NRHH.
- NRHH Membership Transfer Policy
- NRHH members that are transferring schools are able to apply to have their NRHH membership transferred from their outgoing institution to their incoming institution.
- The Phi Psi Chapter is able to accept or reject transfer members at the chapter’s discretion. If accepted, these members shall become active members of the Phi Psi Chapter. In order for a person to transfer to the Phi Psi Chapter, the following must occur:
- The student applying to transfer their membership must be a full-time student at the State University of New York at New Paltz.
- The student seeking to transfer their membership must contact the chapter President and Advisor in writing detailing why they want to transfer their membership, how they benefited from their previous chapter and residence hall system, and how they hope to be involved in the Phi Psi chapter.
- After a letter is submitted to the President and Advisor, it will be shared with the chapter and they will discuss the transfer applicant based on their letter. Then, a vote will occur on whether or not to accept the transfer member.
- If approved, the student must complete the Membership Transfer Application.
- The Membership Transfer Application may be obtained from the region’s ADNRHH.
- The Membership Transfer Application shall include signatures from the following individuals:
- The Phi Psi Chapter President
- The Phi Psi Chapter Advisor
- The NRHH member who is seeking to transfer their membership
- The completed application shall be submitted to the region’s ADNRHH for approval.
- It is the right of the region’s ADNRHH to deny requests for reasons including, but not limited to:
- The application is incomplete
- Adding new chapter member(s) puts the chapter over its member cap
- If the member wishes to appeal the decision of the region’s ADNRHH, they appeal to the entire NNB. The decision of the NNB shall be final. In the event of an appeal to the NNB:
- Each ADNRHH shall have one vote
- A simple majority shall be necessary, with a tie-breaking vote when necessary
- If a member wishes to leave NRHH prior to their graduation for any reason, they must speak with the President and Advisor regarding their membership status.
Article VI: Honor Cords
- A recipient of honor cords will be defined as an On-Campus Member or Off-Campus Member of the Phi Psi Chapter who is graduating from SUNY New Paltz.
- The recipient must have completed the requirements defined by On-Campus membership for every semester following their induction.
- A member who leaves the organization prior to graduation is not eligible for Honor Cords.
Article VII: Member Selection Procedures
- The Recruitment Committee determines application procedure and timeline on a semesterly basis.
- The evaluation of applicants will be determined by On-Campus members of the Phi Psi Chapter.
- Procedure
- The President will call for the discussion of candidates one at a time. All present members will discuss the candidate based only on their application, letters of recommendation, and resume.
- Discussion will immediately be followed by a closed eye vote, with the voting options of “yes (to induct the applicant into the chapter)”, “no (to not induct the applicant into the chapter)”, or “abstain”.
- Only applicants who receive a ⅔ majority vote of the On-Campus members present will be selected for the organization.
- This process will be repeated for each applicant.
- In the event that the number of selected applicants exceeds the number of seats available, applicants that receive the largest number of votes will obtain membership.
- Applicants selected to become members for the following academic year will be notified two weeks prior to the induction ceremony for that semester.
- All new inductees must formally accept membership prior to the induction.
- All new inductees’ chapter membership will be official the day of the induction ceremony.
Article VIII: Officers
- The NRHH Executive Board will consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and National Communications Coordinator (NCC). In addition, there will be one or two Resident Director advisors, up to the discretion of the Office of Residence Life.
- Qualifications for Officers
- Any On-Campus Member in good standing with the Phi Psi Chapter may be nominated for any officer position.
- Executive Board Duties
- Positions are a one-year commitment.
- Must maintain positional resource materials to give to their successor.
- Must meet with their successor to offer resources and information.
- The following duties are mandatory unless excused by the President and Advisor:
- Attend all NRHH programs and events.
- Meet as an Executive Board weekly, unless otherwise stated.
- Attend all NRHH chapter meetings.
- Attend bi-weekly one on ones with an advisor.
- Uphold the duties of a Phi Psi Chapter member and Executive Board member.
- Uphold and enforce this constitution.
- Officer Duties
- President
- Preside over all Chapter and Executive Board meetings.
- Create agendas for Chapter and Executive Board meetings.
- Act as the spokesperson for the Chapter.
- Act as a sounding board for ideas.
- Oversee the application process.
- Vote only in the case of a tie.
- Act as the national representative to all NRHH business meetings and events if the NCC is unable to do so.
- Serve as a liaison between the Chapter and other groups on campus, including but not limited to, the Residence Hall Student Association and the Office of Residence Life.
- Helps to create the NRHH budget in tandem with the Treasurer.
- Oversee the Book of Inspiration (passed between chapter members at chapter meetings).
- Oversee Induction/Graduation.
- Includes contacting guest speaker or appointing someone to do so.
- Award up to four bronze pins per year.
- Vice President
- Assume to the duties of the President in case of absence or vacancy of that office.
- Communicate with Lifelong Members.
- Plan all chapter bonding events
- Secure rooms for events/meetings and attend any Event Consultations needed (FUSE process).
- Shall be in charge of receiving feedback from the Phi Psi Chapter on a semesterly basis.
- Responsible for sending out Induction/Graduation invitations.
- Responsible for creating advertisements for non-committee related programs/events.
- Updates all NRHH social media outlets unless otherwise delegated.
- Includes, but is not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Responsible for creating the Induction/Graduation program.
- Treasurer
- Maintain and keep a detailed record of all financial transactions for the Chapter.
- Responsible for all monetary transactions of the Chapter.
- Helps to create the NRHH budget in tandem with the President.
- Turn in all Disbursing Orders (DO’s) to the CAS office within one week of being given a receipt.
- Will provide a budget update to the Executive Board and Advisor at least once per month.
- Order cords/pins as needed.
- Secretary
- Records minutes for all Chapter and Executive Board meetings.
- Track the checklist system and update members on their status.
- Take attendance at all chapter meetings.
- Take attendance at all NRHH programs.
- Responsible for keeping an inventory of office supplies and purchasing them when necessary.
- Maintain the NRHH email and website.
- Keep an updated list of all Lifelong Members.
- Keep an updated list of awards given out by the chapter.
- National Communications Coordinator (NCC)
- Shares responsibilities with the RHSA NCC.
- Holds three weekly office hours with the RHSA NCC in the RHSA office.
- Serves as the official representative for the State University of New York at New Paltz in NRHH boardroom at all regional and national conferences.
- Acts as the liaison between the Phi Psi Chapter and NEACURH/NACURH.
- Works with the RHSA NCC to choose conference delegations for both regional and national conferences.
- Prepares delegations for conferences through meetings.
- Coordinates all regional bids (i.e. School of the Year, Program of the Year, etc.).
- Plans the New Paltz Leadership Conference.
- Advisors
- There shall be one or two Advisors to the Phi Psi Chapter.
- Advisors will be from the Residence Life professional staff.
- Act as the liaison between the Phi Psi Chapter and the Department of Residence Life.
- An advisor must be present at all Chapter meetings.
- An advisor must be present at all Executive Board meetings.
- An advisor will assist the President in tallying votes in regards to all official business.
- Advisors will hold bi-weekly one on ones with Executive Board members.
- Election Procedures
- The President will call for nominations for each position of the Executive Board.
- Only On-Campus Members can be nominated for a position.
- Positions will be elected in the following order: NCC, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary.
- NCC will be elected prior to the NEACURH Spring Leadership Conference registration deadline, possible.
- The President will close the floor for nominations and open the election.
- The Vice President is responsible for keeping time during the election.
- The election will occur as follows:
- All candidates for the position will leave the room.
- The Executive Board member who currently holds the position will run through their duties and responsibilities.
- The Chapter will create a list of expectations that they want to see in a candidate.
- One of the candidates will be called back into the room.
- The candidate will be given three minutes to give a speech.
- The candidate will be given five minutes to answer questions from the Chapter.
- The Question and Answer session is extendable up to three times.
- The Question and Answer session is extendable for up to five minutes.
- At the conclusion of the Question and Answer session, the next candidate will be brought in.
- This process will be repeated for each candidate.
- After all the candidates for a specific position have been given the opportunity to speak and answer questions, a five minute discussion of all candidates will take place.
- Discussion is extendable up to three times.
- Discussion is extendable for up to five minutes.
- At the conclusion of the Discussion, a vote will take place through a closed-eye, hands-raised vote.
- The winner will be determined by a ⅗ majority.
- During elections of a position where there are three or more candidates and a candidate does not receive a ⅗ majority after three rounds of voting, the candidate with the fewest number of votes will be eliminated and another vote will be taken. This process of elimination will occur until a candidate receives a ⅗ majority. A discussion must occur before each vote.
- In the event that there is not a ⅗ decision with two remaining candidates, the Executive Board will make a final decision. There will be a discussion facilitated by the overseer, followed by a vote. If the vote does not equal a ⅗ decision, the process will be extended up to two more times. The decision can be for either or neither candidate.
- In the event that the Executive Board cannot come to a decision, the decision will be turned over to the President and Advisor.
- This procedure will be repeated for all Executive Board positions.
- The President will call for nominations for each position of the Executive Board.
- Terms of Office
- The terms of office for the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be one year from end of academic year to end of academic year.
- The term of the NCC shall be from NACURH to NACURH.
- If an Executive Board position becomes vacant in the middle of the term, outside of the Presidency, the position shall be filled by an active member of NRHH with a ⅗ majority vote by On-Campus members. The term of office begins immediately and lasts until the end of the academic year.
- At any time, an On-Campus member may make a motion to impeach an Executive Board member. This motion must be seconded. Following that motion, the Executive Board member must leave the room and a discussion will be held. After the discussion, a paper ballot will ensue. Impeachment can only occur if a ⅔ majority vote of active quorum members is reached.
Article IX: Meetings
- Chapter meetings will occur bi-weekly on Sundays from 5PM to 7PM, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Board.
- Executive Board meetings will occur weekly, with the day and time to be determined by the Executive Board.
Article X: Committees
- The Phi Psi Chapter shall have two main committees: recognition and service, and one optional committee: recruitment.
- It is up to the discretion of the executive board if the recruitment committee will meet that semester.
- Every chapter member must be a part of one of the main committees. Chapter members may serve on the optional committee as part of the additional checklist requirement.
- Committees will meet biweekly.
- Committees will be chaired by a non-Executive Board chapter member.
- Recruitment committee may be chaired by an Executive Board member or a Chapter member.
- Committee chairs will attend Executive Board meetings once per month, or at the discretion of the Executive Board.
- The Phi Psi Chapter shall have two main committees: recognition and service, and one optional committee: recruitment.
- Recognition Committee
- The Recognition Committee will serve to provide opportunities for chapter members to recognize individuals for their outstanding achievements.
- Recognition Committee is responsible for hosting a minimum of two recognition-related programs per semester.
- Committee is responsible for advertising for their own programs.
- Committee is in charge of preparing for programs and contacting other organizations if necessary.
- Recognition Committee is responsible for voting on OTM’s.
- Recognition Committee is responsible for selecting the awards to be given out at Induction.
- A minimum of two awards must be selected.
- New awards can be created by the discretion of the recognition committee and must be approved by all of chapter.
- Recognition Committee is responsible for inviting award winners to inductions.
- Recognition Committee must make a positive effort to recognize individuals and departments. If none are made then the executive board has a right to intervene.
- Recognition Committee is in charge of Pay it Forward Day.
- Service Committee
- The Service Committee will serve to provide opportunities for chapter members to engage in community service.
- Service Committee is responsible for hosting a minimum of two service-related programs per semester.
- Committee is responsible for advertising for their own programs.
- Committee is in charge of preparing for programs and contacting other organizations if necessary.
- Service Committee is responsible for setting up service opportunities for chapter.
- Community Service Committee must make a positive effort to provide service opportunities for chapter members. If none are made then the executive board as a right to intervene.
- Recruitment Committee
- The Recruitment Committee will serve to engage with the campus community and encourage students to apply for NRHH.
- Recruitment committee is responsible for General Interest Meetings and Tabling. This includes:
- Reserving space for tabling and general interest meetings;
- Setting up recognition and service programs for general interest meetings;
- Scheduling at least three general interest meetings and at least nine hours of tabling.
- Committee is responsible for advertising for general interest meetings and tabling.
- Recruitment committee determines application procedure and timeline on a semesterly basis.
- It is up to the discretion of the executive board to extend deadlines for applications if necessary.
- Recruitment committee may be chaired by an Executive Board Member or Chapter Member.
- Committee chair must have been an NRHH chapter member- for at least one semester.
- Recruitment Committee must make a positive effort to engage with the campus community and encourage students to apply. If none are made then the executive board as a right to intervene.
- If an executive board member is in charge, they must meet with the President of NRHH.
- If the President of NRHH is in charge, the executive board has the discretion to set up a meeting between the President and NRHH advisor.
Article XI: Finances
- The SUNY New Paltz NRHH Chapter will pay the required dues per year as established by NACURH Incorporated in order to retain affiliation status.
- The Phi Psi Chapter of NRHH will pay affiliation costs in alternating years, working with the Residence Hall Student Association.
- The National Residence Hall Honorary shall by funded through Campus Auxiliary Services.
Article XII: Chapter Reports
- As mandated by NACURH Incorporated, the SUNY New Paltz Phi Psi Chapter of NRHH shall submit a list of current members, the names of officers, the names of advisors, a copy of a revised constitution (if amendments were made), a re-affiliation form, membership dues, and any other pertinent information requested by NACURH Incorporated.
Article XII: Amendments
- Amendments to this constitution may be adopted by a ⅔ vote of the active members at a chapter meeting where quorum is met.
- Amendments to this constitution shall go into effect immediately upon being voted in.
- Any chapter member can propose an amendment.
Article XIV: Organization Conduct
- The Phi Psi Chapter of NRHH agrees to adhere to the regulations of the State University of New York at New Paltz and uphold the NEACURH Governing Documents.
Article XV: Superseding Policies
- Changes to the NRHH Governing Documents and any mandate set forth by the State University of New York at New Paltz shall supersede this document.
Article XVI: Enactment
- This constitution shall go into effect immediately upon acceptance by a ⅔ of the active members of the Phi Psi Chapter the National Residence Hall Honorary at a chapter meeting where quorum is met.