Category: Recent Projects (page 2 of 2)

Environmental Task Force

logo and brochure mockups

Student: Kristina Koliesnikova

Date: Fall 2023

Work: identity design, web design, brochure design

Project Description: The Environmental Task Force at SUNY New Paltz is a student-faculty group that organizes and supports sustainability efforts on campus and in the community. Kristina created logo concepts as well as a printed brochure, fliers, and website for the group to promote future events and share their work.

Design Week 2023

colorful graphics that say Design Week 2023

Student: Angela Earvolino

Date: Spring 2023:

Work: identity design, social media design, print design

Project Description: New Paltz Design Week features lectures, workshops, and events celebrating design across disciplines on campus and in the region, organized by the Graphic Design Program, Digital Design and Fabrication, and the School of Fine & Performing Arts at SUNY New Paltz. Angela created fun and versatile branding system for the promotion of multiple events via print, web, and social media.

Disability Resource Center

Graphic with text, "What is Neurodiversity and Why Does it Matter" with icons of books, brains, people

Student: Brianna Morano

Date: Spring 2023

Client: Disability Resource Center

Work: infographics, presentation design, document design

Project Description: The SUNY New Paltz Disability Resource Center is responsible for providing resources and help to students with permanent or temporary disabilities that affect their education and learning ability. The DRC assists students in realizing their academic potential and gives them resources to become independent in achieving their academic goals.

Brianna worked with DRC staff to redesign and create resources for students and faculty to make learning/educating easier while creating an awareness and understanding of neurodiversity in learning.


Roost Arts Hudson Valley

screenshots of phone, brochure and and graphics featuring the text Roost Arts Hudson Valley

Student: Stephanie Rott

Date: Spring 2023

Client: Roost Arts Hudson Valley

Work: Branding, Social Media, Brochure Design

Project Description: The recently renamed Roost Arts Hudson Valley rebranded themselves and worked with Stephanie to create new branding guidelines for their updated brand and new website. Stephanie created promotional designs for social media as well as business cards and printed brochures.

Friends of the Sojourner Truth Library

posters and promo graphics with the text "Monster Library Sale" and monster footprints

Student: Apryl Murray

Date: Spring 2023

Client: Friends of the Sojourner Truth Library

Work: Branding, Poster Design, Signage, Vinyl Graphics

Project Description: The annual Monster Book Sale benefits the Friends of the Sojourner Truth Library. The event needed a new look for  promotional design and directional signage. Apryl worked with board members to create a fun and memorable system that engages the campus community.

Department of Philosophy

graphic of three posters about the Dept of Philosophy that include graphics of famous philosophers and bright orange colorsStudent: Patrick O’Brien

Date: Spring 2023

Client: Department of Philosophy

Work: Poster Design, Infographics, Web Design, Data Visualization

Project Description: Promotional Posters and an Informational Website showcasing Philosophy major alumni survey results



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