
Research students in my lab

Summer 2024
Chris Gabelman – Forest Community Composition in Millbrook Preserve, NY
David Paschal – Forest Community Composition in Millbrook Preserve, NY
Dominique Edwards – Photosynthetic performance of Squash in Varying Soil Fertilizer Treatments

Spring 2024
David Paschal – Phenology of northern hardwood tree species

Spring 2023
Birgitta Cockburn – Sustainability of paper – case study
Zachary Brown – Phenology of northern hardwood tree species
Makayla Williamson – Phenology of northern hardwood tree species

Fall 2022
Birgitta Cockburn – Sustainability of paper – case study
Zachary Brown – Fire ecology in Mohonk Preserve

Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
(On sabbatical leave)

Spring 2021
Liliana Braun – Phenology of northern hardwood tree species

Fall 2020
Christian Fierek – Campus ecology, Tree Campus USA student rep

Spring 2020
Patrick Salaway – Age & growth rates of pitch pine and white pine in areas of contrasting disturbance history
Liliana Brown – Phenology of northern hardwood tree species
Cheyenne Reinhart – Phenology of northern hardwood tree species

Fall 2019
Patrick Salaway – Age & growth of pitch pine and white pine in areas of contrasting disturbance history
Grace Afflerbach – Plant Propogation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Shelby Genualdo – Plant Propogation & Greenhouse Maintenance

Spring 2019
Rory Schiafo – Fire Ecology of Dwarf Pitch Pine Forests
Ethan Heineman – Shawangunk Tree Community Composition
Daphne Schroeder –  Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance

Fall 2018
Rory Schiafo – Fire Ecology of Dwarf Pitch Pine Forests
Paige Sheeley – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Ryan Usai – Campus Tree Survey, Tree Campus USA student rep

Spring 2018
Helena Kaminski (Co-advised with Gidon Eschel, Bard College) – Environmental Impact of Plant vs. Animal foods.
Laura Wyeth – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Paige Sheeley – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance

Fall 2017
Jessica Kathe – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Dejea Green – Campus Tree Survey, Tree Campus USA student rep
Helena Kaminski (Co-advised with Gidon Eshel, Bard College) – Environmental footprint of food choices

Spring 2017
Laura Wyeth – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Samantha Manno – Oak Masting
Jennifer Becker (Co-advised with Salvatore Engel-Demauro) – Shawangunk soils and tree community composition

Fall 2016
Laura Wyeth – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance

Spring 2016
Ryan Baker-Urzua – Fire Effects on Chestnut Oak Forest Ecophysiology
Avril Kumar – Edge/Interior Effects in Northern Hardwood Forests
Samantha Manno – Oak Masting
Rashelle Ripa – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance

Fall 2015
Ryan Baker-Urzua – Fire Effects on Chestnut Oak Forest Ecophysiology
Julia Herten – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Gabrielle Simard-Moore – Edge/Interior Effects, Campus tree survey

Spring 2015
Ryan Baker-Urzua – Fire Effects on Chestnut Oak Forest Ecophysiology
Yanjing Ma – Oak masting
Matt Richards – Edge/Interior Effects in Northern Hardwood Forests
Joseph Ruotolo – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance

Fall 2014
Ryan Baker-Urzua – Fire Effects on Chestnut Oak Forest Ecophysiology
James Byam – Plant community ecology of Mohonk Preserve
Smaro Getsios – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Bill O’Connell – Cliff ecology in Mohonk Preserve
Dakota Snyder – Ecophysiology of Ponderosa Pine in Montana; Campus Tree Survey

Spring 2014
James Byam – Plant community ecology of Mohonk Preserve
Smaro Getsios – Plant Propagation & Greenhouse Maintenance
Madeline Fisher – Soil Moisture and Organic Carbon in Shawangunk Soils

Fall 2013
Justine Dill –  Phenology of Northern Hardwood Forest tree species
Leyla Horne – Online mapping application development
Anna Jakubek –  No-till and organic fertilizer effects on physiology of corn
Nadia Ouedraogo – Oak Masting

Spring 2013
Justine Dill –  Phenology of Northern Hardwood Forest tree species
Wes Hoen – Cliff ecology in Mohonk Preserve
Anna Jakubek –  No-till and organic fertilizer effects on physiology of corn
Nadia Ouedraogo – Oak Masting
John Young – Edge/Interior Effects in Northern Hardwood Forests