Meet Me!
Hello! My name is Kerri Widrick and I’m a Junior at SUNY New Paltz majoring in Anthropology (concentrating in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology) and minoring in History. I transferred to New Paltz in the Fall of 2017 with plans on being a biology major, but that changed when I learned I could turn my love for history and archaeology into a degree and a career! I recently had an amazing opportunity to study abroad in Greece and learn about the history of the ancient world while visiting museums and archaeological sites. I also had an opportunity to participate in the summer archaeology field school on Huguenot street. Through these experiences, I’ve been exposed to both world and local history and have found them to be equally as exciting, engaging, and important. I’m currently interning with the New Paltz town historian, Susan Stessin-Cohn and we are working on creating an online exhibit about the family that lived at Locust Lawn, a 19th century farm complex featuring the Federal era house built by Josiah Hasbrouck. We will specifically be focusing on the women of Locust Lawn who identified themselves through the wealth of household items and personal possessions that remained in the house long after the family had left. I’ve had a wonderful experience as an intern and would encourage any history or anthropology student to consider participating in an internship!